4-OP-B-6 Rental of Off-Campus Facilities

Responsible Executive: Finance and Administration

Approving Official: Vice President for Finance and Administration

Effective Date: January 1, 2014

Last Revision Date: Unrevised at this time.


  • Florida Statutes Sections 1004.28, 1013.15, 1013.16, 1013.17 and 1013.171, and Chapter 255


  • To specify the methods and responsibilities for renting off-campus space.


  • When a university entity wishes to rent off-campus space for 120 days or less, it is considered to be a short-term lease or rental. Rentals of space are exempt from the provisions of policy 4-OP-B-3 Leasing of Off-Campus Facilities.


  • When any employee of the University, its divisions, departments, institutes or centers wishes to rent space off-campus for special usage such as meetings, conferences, seminars, etc., for a period of less then 120 continuous days, the space should be secured by a purchase order. The University entity that wishes to rent the space must submit a requisition to the University Purchasing Department.