Responsible Executive: Finance and Administration
Approving Official: Vice President for Finance & Administration
Effective Date: January 6, 2025
Last Revision Date: January 1, 2014; July 10, 2017(formatting only); August 23, 2018; July 30, 2020; June 19, 2023; April 10, 2024; January 3, 2024
- This policy provides reference and direction for employees and others who travel on behalf of the University. The University seeks to ensure efficiency and promote fiscal accountability when authorizing travel. It is expected that travelers and individuals authorizing travel apply this policy in a manner that strives to keep expenses to a minimum and assign the costs of business travel appropriately.
- Budget Approver – The Dean, Director, Department Head or Chair (DDDHC) is ultimately responsible for the fiscal management of a department. The Principal Investigator (PI) is ultimately responsible for the fiscal management of a project.
- Concur – The University’s online travel booking and expense system.
- Common Carrier – Commercial train, bus, or airline operating scheduled trips or an established rental car firm.
- Complimentary – Term for “payment” method when an expense is paid for or otherwise provided by an organization or entity outside the University by virtue of the traveler’s business activities or employment.
- Conference / Convention – The coming together of persons with a common interest or interests for the purpose of deliberation, interchange of views, or for discussion of their common problems and interests. The term also includes similar meetings such as seminars and workshops which are large formal group meetings that are programmed and supervised to accomplish intensive research, study, discussion and work in some specific field or on a governmental problem or problems. A conference does not mean the coming together of University personnel.
- Conference Hotel – The hotel where the conference, convention, meeting, or other event is conducted. A neighboring hotel “suggested” by the event organizer does not necessarily constitute the Conference Hotel.
- Delegates – Employee allowed to perform work on behalf of another employee.
- Travel Delegates can prepare and submit travel requests, book travel, and prepare, but not submit an expense report on behalf of a traveler.
- Approver Delegates can approve travel requests and expense reports on behalf of an approver. Supervisors or Budget Approvers may appoint delegates. Budget Approver Delegates must be authorized signers or be designated and authorized in writing by the DDDHC or PI.
- Emergency Travel – Travel that must commence with less than twenty-four (24) hours' notice to the traveler.
- Expense Report – Process used for the payment of all travel expenses, including card purchases, and reimbursement to the traveler for out-of-pocket expenses.
- Foreign Travel – Travel to any country (including Mexico and Canada) outside the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii. Travel to the noncontiguous U.S. locations of American Samoa, Guam, Midway Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Wake Island are considered foreign travel for purposes of this policy.
- Itinerary – A schedule of events related to travel, including departures and destinations to be visited.
- Lodge Card/Airfare Card – Credit card housed (lodged) with the University’s Travel Management Company (TMC) used to manage travel-related purchases. The Airfare Card is only allowed for business related travel and must be associated with an approved Travel Request.
- Mileage – Mileage while on official travel, based on the shortest routes possible as provided by the map in Concur. Documented miles are mileage driven within the same city, county, or certain geographic area and are logged daily.
- Personal Travel – Travel that has no business value or benefit to the University. Personal travel may not be paid using any University funds.
- Per Diem – Daily allowance received in lieu of actual expenditures for meals and lodging. Per diem for domestic travel is determined by the State of Florida and is based on a quarterly basis per day for Travel Classes A & B.
- Point of Origin – Geographic location of the traveler’s official headquarters or the geographic location where travel begins, whichever is the lesser distance from the destination. If travel begins more than one hour before or one hour after the traveler’s regular work hours, the point of origin may be the traveler’s residence, provided that miles claimed may not exceed the miles actually driven.
- Sick/Injured – A traveler who becomes sick or injured while away from their official headquarters and is therefore unable to perform the official business of the University may continue to receive subsistence during this period of illness or injury until such time as they are able to perform the official business of the University or return to their official headquarters, whichever is earlier.
- Travel Day – A period of 24 hours consisting of four quarters of 6 hours each.
- Traveler – The following may be considered allowable University travelers when performing authorized travel:
- Full-time and part-time employees of the University;
- University consultants or advisors;
- Prospective employees, prospective students, and official guests - Expenses incurred for participation in academic programs and sanctioned student events, students enrolled to take classes and individuals being recruited as potential students.
- Travel Card (T-Card) – A university-issued bank card, in an individual employee’s name, that can be used to pay for University business travel related expenses.
- Travel Expenses – Expenses that are reasonable and necessary to accomplish the official business purpose of a trip.
- Travel Management Company – The University’s contracted travel agency. Faculty and staff travelers must book airline and train travel online through Concur or directly through the TMC. Travelers are strongly encouraged to procure other travel services, when available, from the TMC with whom the University has strategic and collaborative sourcing arrangements.
- Travel Period – A period of time between the time of departure and time of return. It includes reasonable time to reach the airport for early arrival prior to flight departure.
- Class A Travel – Continuous travel of 24 hours or more away from the traveler’s official headquarters.
- Class B Travel – Continuous travel of less than 24 hours, which involves overnight absence from the traveler’s official headquarters.
- Class C Travel – Short or day trips where the traveler is not away from their official headquarters overnight.
- Travel Request – Process used to request approval to travel.
- The official headquarters of a University employee shall be the city or town in which the assigned office is located except that:
- The official headquarters of a person located in the field shall be the city or town nearest to the area where the majority of their work is performed, or such other city, town, or area as may be designated by their supervisor provided that in all cases such designation must be in the best interests of the University and not for the convenience of the person.
- When any University employee is stationed in any city or town for a period of over 30 continuous workdays, such city or town shall be deemed to be their official headquarters, and they will not be allowed per diem or subsistence after the period of 30 continuous workdays has elapsed, unless this period of time is extended by the express approval of the University President or designee.
- A traveler may leave their assigned post to return home overnight, over a weekend, or during a holiday, but any time lost from their regular duties shall be taken as annual leave and authorized in the usual manner. The traveler shall not be reimbursed for travel expenses in excess of the established rate for per diem allowed had they remained at their assigned post. However, when a traveler has been temporarily assigned away from their official headquarters for an approved period extending beyond 30 days, they shall be entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses at the established rate of one round trip for each 30-day period actually taken to their home in addition to pay and allowances otherwise provided.
- The official headquarters of a University employee shall be the city or town in which the assigned office is located except that:
- For purposes of reimbursement and methods of calculating fractional days of travel, the following principles are prescribed:
- The travel day for Class A travel will be a calendar day (midnight to midnight). The travel day for Class B travel will begin at the same time as the travel period. For Class A and Class B travel, the traveler will be reimbursed one-fourth of the authorized rate of per diem for each quarter, or fraction thereof, of the travel day included within his or her travel period. Class A and Class B travel will include any assignment on official business outside of regular office hours and away from regular places of employment when it is considered reasonable and necessary to stay overnight and for which travel expenses are approved. Class C meal allowances or per diem are not permitted.
- Class A and Class B meal allowances are based on the following schedule:
- Breakfast - When travel begins before 6 a.m. and extends beyond 8 a.m.
- Lunch - When travel begins before 12 noon and extends beyond 2 p.m.
- Dinner - When travel begins before 6 p.m. and extends beyond 8 p.m.
- No allowance shall be made for meals, lodging, or per diem when travel is confined to the city or town or within 50 miles of the official headquarters or the traveler’s residence unless circumstances necessitate an overnight stay, as approved by the Dean, Director, or Department Head.
- Travelers are allowed up to 1 day on domestic travel and 2 days on foreign travel to reach destination
- For purposes of reimbursement and methods of calculating fractional days of travel, the following principles are prescribed:
- Expenses for lodging are reimbursed either on an actual or a per diem basis. Expenses for meals are reimbursed based on applicable rates or a per diem basis. Personal expenses, such as guest accommodations, room service, entertainment and other non-business charges, are the responsibility of the traveler and should not be paid for with a University travel or lodge card.
- Lodging - Travelers are expected to use prudent judgment in the selection of lodging while traveling on official university business. Reimbursement is limited to single occupancy unless rental accommodations are shared by more than one authorized traveler. The University may require justification for a single room rate that exceeds $225 per night (room rate only). Travelers should be prepared to justify situations where hotel costs appear excessive for the areas in which the traveler is staying. An itemized hotel bill showing the actual amount paid, a $0 balance due, and method of payment must accompany a properly completed expense report. Reimbursement for any lodging included in a convention or conference registration fee, paid by the University, or provided by a third party is not allowed.
- Meals - The following subsistence rates defined by the State of Florida are to be used as a supplement for travel related meal expenses:
- Breakfast $6.00
- Lunch $11.00
- Dinner $19.00
- Meals included in the cost of registration fees or otherwise paid by the University must be deducted from the daily meal allowance. Meals provided as indicated in the event agenda, cannot be paid as part of the daily meal allowance and must be deducted regardless of whether the traveler participated in the meal event or not. Meals provided by an airline or hotel need not be deducted. Food service tips are not reimbursable.
- Per Diem – In certain cases, it may not be practical or possible to establish actual reimbursable expenses for lodging and/or meals. In such cases, a per diem charge in lieu of actual expenses may be reimbursed. The University’s per diem rate for domestic and foreign travel is $80 per day. Meals and/or lodging may not be claimed in combination with per diem. Any meals included in a convention or conference registration fee or paid by a third party, on behalf of the traveler, must be deducted from the per diem rate. When two authorized travelers share a room and one of the travelers pays for that room, the other traveler is not entitled to per diem.
- Business Expenses – Other expenses normally associated with travel that are reimbursable regardless of whether a traveler receives lodging and meal reimbursement on an actual expense or per diem basis and provided adequate documentation is included in the expense report. They include registration fees, communication fees, portage, and incidental travel expenses clearly related to the purpose of the travel.
- Registration Fees – Registration fees incurred as a result of University business are allowable and must be substantiated with an agenda, paid receipt, and printed documents indicating the registration fee, and the place and date of the event.
- Communication Fees – Communication expenses, including telephone calls, wires, internet and/or faxes, incurred as a result of University business are reimbursable. Communication expenses to contact the traveler’s family or for other non-business purposes are not eligible for reimbursement. Any calls to a traveler's personal residence for which the traveler is asking reimbursement must be justified. All communication expenses must be substantiated by a receipt.
- Portage – Portage charges shall not exceed $1 per bag or a total of $5 per occasion.
- Incidental Travel Expenses – Other incidental travel expenses of the traveler may be reimbursed upon presentation of a receipt as follows:
- Actual laundry, dry-cleaning and pressing expenses when official travel extends beyond seven days and such expenses are necessarily incurred to complete the official business portion of the trip.
- Actual passport and visa fees required for official travel. -Actual fee charged to exchange currency necessary to pay official travel expenses. ATM fees paid to withdraw funds are not reimbursable.
- Actual cost of maps necessary for conducting official business -Rental of GPS units necessary for conducting official business. The most economical method would be to purchase a GPS unit to be maintained in the department for traveler’s official use.
- Claimed Reimbursement - Travelers are entitled to claim the greater of the daily $80 per diem or the actual daily amounts permitted for meals and lodging. If a traveler agrees to receive less than they are entitled to for reimbursable items or travel expenses are capped at a certain limit, the traveler’s acceptance must be documented and signed by the traveler prior to the trip. The department submitting the travel is required to maintain the documentation.
- Expenses for lodging are reimbursed either on an actual or a per diem basis. Expenses for meals are reimbursed based on applicable rates or a per diem basis. Personal expenses, such as guest accommodations, room service, entertainment and other non-business charges, are the responsibility of the traveler and should not be paid for with a University travel or lodge card.
- Travelers are to choose the most practical and economical mode of transportation, and are to generally travel the most direct route. Consideration is to be given to the total cost to the University, considering time of the traveler, impact on the productivity of the traveler, cost of transportation, and per diem or subsistence required. It is required that faculty and staff travelers book airline and train tickets online through Concur or by using the University’s TMC. It is preferred for travelers to book other accommodations through the Concur booking tool or by using the University’s TMC.
- Commercial Transportation
- The University reimburses commercial fares for economy/coach accommodations. Business class travel or its equivalent is reimbursable for all segments of trips with at least one segment lasting longer than eight hours. Air travel is recommended when the cost of an employee’s time is an important factor or when travel time by other methods would increase the subsistence expense.
- The traveler must retain all transportation ticket receipts and itineraries for purposes of documenting travel expense amounts. This includes showing the purchase amount of the ticket and method of payment.
- Penalties for cancellation of tickets may be paid from University funds only if the cause for cancellation is in the best interest of the University or if the cancellation is due to illness of the traveler or illness or death of a member of the traveler’s immediate family, for which an employee is authorized to use sick or administrative leave. If the ticket is canceled for the convenience of the traveler, the cancellation penalty may not be paid or reimbursed from University funds. Travelers or persons making travel arrangements should carefully evaluate the circumstances and risk of cancellation prior to the purchase of tickets in order to avoid or at least minimize the cancellation penalty. When it is determined that it is in the best interest of the University to cancel a ticket and pay the cancellation penalty, justification detailing the circumstances surrounding the cancellation must be included in the expense report.
- The University will not reimburse for any tickets paid by reward points (i.e., sky miles, motel reward points, or any other type of customer reward program). The University will also not allow reimbursement for the value of complimentary tickets, vouchers, eCredits, or related items that were not purchased by means using currency, check or credit card.
- Automobile Rental
- Travelers shall make use of the State of Florida or University rental vehicle contract, when renting vehicles. Failure to use the State or University contract will require written justification. In the event the traveler fails to justify their use of another vendor, any additional cost will be borne by the traveler. If it is necessary to rent a vehicle from another vendor, the renter should purchase collision and comprehensive coverage insurance from the vendor. Do not purchase liability coverage – contingent upon the employee being at fault, the University will accept liability for damages to the other vehicle.
- The State or University contract requires the rental of a compact size vehicle (class B), or a justification detailing the necessity for a larger vehicle. An individual’s size nor stature is not a valid justification for a larger vehicle. Reservations are highly recommended. Be sure to retain the confirmation number for future reference. In the event an economy size vehicle is reserved, but at the time of rental is not available, a larger vehicle will be substituted at no additional cost. The State or University contract does not reimburse the traveler for gasoline purchases. It is recommended to return the vehicle with the same level of fuel with which it was received. The use of the University’s travel card may be used for gasoline purchases on rental vehicles. Non-University persons may receive the or University contract rates only when reservations are made on their behalf by departments using the University issued travel card with the State or University contract number.
- Private Automobile
- When travel by private automobile is chosen over commercial transportation in order to save time, to transport equipment, or to reduce costs when a number of people are traveling together to the same destination, reimbursement to the traveler is made on the basis of mileage traveled. The reimbursement rate is set at the State of Florida mileage allowance rate in effect at the time of travel, currently 44.5 cents per mile. The mileage allowance covers all operating costs of the vehicle. Repair costs are not reimbursable, whether they result from the traveler’s acts or the acts of others. All mileage shall be shown from point of origin to point of destination while on official travel and based on the shortest route as provided by the Google map link in Concur. Travelers who accept mileage reimbursed at a lesser rate per mile or at an amount less than what the full mileage allowance would be must sign a statement that documents this selection. This document will be maintained in the department submitting the travel expense report.
- Miscellaneous Transportation Related Expenses
- Tolls, parking fees, shuttle services, and taxi fares may be reimbursed. Documentation required is as follows:
- Tolls – Necessary and reasonable tolls are reimbursable. Tolls $30 and under do not require receipts.
- Parking Fees – Necessary and reasonable parking fees are reimbursable. Mandatory Valet parking and reasonable tips ($1 per occasion), are reimbursable. Parking fees $30 and under do not require receipts.
- Shuttle Service – The cost of shuttle service to and from transportation stations, plus reasonable tips (20%), are reimbursable. Shuttle Charges $30 and under do not require receipts.
- Taxi Services – Taxi fares, plus reasonable tips (20%), are reimbursable when public transportation or shuttle service is not practical. Taxi fares $30 and under do not require receipts.
- Baggage Fees – Required transportation baggage fees are reimbursable. Baggage fees $30 and under do not require receipts.
- Traffic Fines – Traffic and parking fines received while driving rental, personal, or university-owned vehicles are not reimbursable and are the responsibility of the traveler.
- Miscellaneous Expenses – Other expenses, such as locksmith fees and rental car cleaning charges, are not reimbursable and are the responsibility of the traveler.
- Tolls, parking fees, shuttle services, and taxi fares may be reimbursed. Documentation required is as follows:
- Prohibited Transportation Reimbursements
- When a person travels by an indirect route for their convenience, any extra costs shall be borne by the traveler and reimbursement for expenses will be based only on such charges as would have been incurred by a usually traveled route. Comparison information (flight, mileage, etc.) must be obtained prior to trip departure. A comparison of airfare tickets must be obtained at time of ticket purchase, showing cost of airfare traveler would have taken had personal travel not been involved. Comparisons must be submitted with the expense report, along with the actual ticket that was purchased.
- No traveler is allowed either mileage or transportation expense when they are gratuitously transported by another person or when they are transported by another traveler who is entitled to mileage or transportation expense.
- Commercial Transportation
- Travelers are to choose the most practical and economical mode of transportation, and are to generally travel the most direct route. Consideration is to be given to the total cost to the University, considering time of the traveler, impact on the productivity of the traveler, cost of transportation, and per diem or subsistence required. It is required that faculty and staff travelers book airline and train tickets online through Concur or by using the University’s TMC. It is preferred for travelers to book other accommodations through the Concur booking tool or by using the University’s TMC.
- Travel advances may be issued to authorized University travelers.
- Travel advances may not exceed 100% of the estimated travel expenses as indicated in the travel request. When the travel period has ended, the traveler should promptly complete and submit for approval the expense report for the travel period for which they received an advance. The cash advance must be reconciled in Concur.
- If the traveler was advanced funds in excess of the travel expenses allowed for a particular travel period, the traveler must submit a refund to the University within 10 working days of the traveler's return to their headquarters.
- If the travel expenses are greater than or equal to the amount of the advance, the expense report should be completed and submitted to the Travel Office within 10 working days of the traveler's return to their headquarters.
- A traveler may not have travel advances outstanding for more than one trip at any time without written justification of circumstances which require an exception to this restriction.
- Travel advances may not exceed 100% of the estimated travel expenses as indicated in the travel request. When the travel period has ended, the traveler should promptly complete and submit for approval the expense report for the travel period for which they received an advance. The cash advance must be reconciled in Concur.
- Travel advances may be issued to authorized University travelers.
- The University may make direct payments to vendors for meals and lodging in situations that result in a cost savings to the University. Such payments must be approved in advance by the Travel Office. Direct payment may be requested by submitting a purchase order through the University’s Procurement system.
- Travelers are reminded that Section 112.061(10), Florida Statutes specifically requires that travel reimbursements contain a statement that the expenses were actually incurred by the traveler as necessary travel expenses in the performance of his or her official duties and shall be verified by a written declaration that it is true and correct as to every material matter. This statement is viewed as having been signed by the traveler when the expense report and/or other travel related materials are submitted by the traveler or traveler’s authorized travel representative on the traveler’s behalf. Any person who willfully makes and subscribes any such claim which they do not believe to be true and correct as to every material matter, or who willfully aids or assists in, or procures, counsels, or advises the preparation or presentation under the provisions of this section a claim which is fraudulent or false as to any material matter, whether or not such falsity or fraud is with the knowledge or consent of the person authorized or required to present such claim, is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree. Whoever receives an allowance or reimbursement by means of a false claim will be civilly liable in the amount of the overpayment for the reimbursement of the public fund from which the claim was paid.
- Travel reimbursements are generally limited to those allowed by University policies. However, certain sponsored projects (including state grants) may contain provisions that further limit the amount and type of reimbursable travel expenditures. Travelers and/or appropriate sponsored projects personnel should ensure any proposed travel is in accordance with the sponsored project’s agreement before the travel begins.
- Travel expenses paid with DSO funds, must follow the travel policy and procedures of the applicable DSO. In the event that the travel expense is being divided between the University and the DSO, then the expense must follow the guidelines of both the University and the DSO.
- The Fly America Act (49 U.S.C. 40118) requires that all federally funded travel (OMNI funds 520 – 524) be on a US flag carrier or US flag carrier service provided under a code-share agreement, except under specific situations. When booking international travel, the Principal Investigator of the award is responsible for complying with the Fly America Act. The cost of travel subject to the Fly America Act that does not adhere to this policy will be borne by the Principal Investigator’s department or will need to be moved to a suitable non-federal funding source.
- The United States Government has entered into several air transport agreements that allow federal funded transportation services for travel to use foreign air carriers under certain circumstances. There are currently four bilateral/multilateral “Open Skies Agreements” (U.S. Government Procured Transportation) in effect and can be found on the GSA’s website. To easily ensure compliance with the Fly America Act, purchase all airline tickets for international travel that will be charged to a federal grant thru a US flag carrier (Delta, American, United, etc.) or use a travel agency for your booking. Most travel agents are not familiar with this regulation, so confirm the travel agent is aware that the travel is federally-funded and must adhere to this act.
- Exemptions must be documented by completing the “Foreign Travel Justification for Use of Non-U.S. Flag Carrier” form found on the Sponsored Research Accounting Services website. This exemption form must be pre-approved by Sponsored Research Accounting Services prior to travel. In no case is the use of a foreign air carrier justified because of cost, convenience, or traveler preference. International Airfare booked on a U.S. flag carrier service will not require an exemption.
- Guidelines for determining unavailability of U.S. flag air carrier service
- Travel to and from the United States - Passenger service by a U.S. flag air carrier will not be considered available when the travel is between a gateway airport in the United States and a gateway airport abroad and the gateway airport abroad is:
- The traveler’s origin or destination airport, and the use of the U.S. flag air carrier service would extend the time in a travel status, including delay at origin and accelerated arrival at destination, by at least 24 hours more than the travel by foreign air carrier;
- An interchange point, and the use of U.S. flag air carrier service would require the traveler to wait 6 hours or more to make connections at that point, or delayed departure from or accelerated arrival at the gateway airport in the U.S. would extend the time in a travel status by at least 6 hours more than travel by foreign air carrier.
- Travel between two points outside the United States - For travel between two points outside the United States, U.S. flag air carrier service will not be considered to be reasonably available:
- If travel by foreign air carrier would eliminate two or more aircraft changes in route;
- Where one of the two points abroad is the gateway airport in route to or from the United States, if the use of a U.S. flag air carrier would extend the time in a travel status by at least 6 hours more than travel by a foreign air carrier, including accelerated arrival at the overseas destination or delayed departure from the overseas origin, as well as delay at the gateway airport or other interchange point abroad; or
- Where the travel is not part of a trip to or from the United States, if the use of a U.S. flag air carrier would extend the time in a travel status by at least 6 hours more than travel by foreign air carrier including delay at origin, delay in route and accelerated arrival at destination.
- Short distance travel - For all short distance travel, regardless of origin and destination, U.S. flag air carrier service will not be considered available when the elapsed travel time on a scheduled flight from origin to destination airport by foreign air carrier is 3 hours or less and service by U.S. flag air carrier would involve twice the travel time.
- Exemptions - If an exemption is needed: • Complete the Foreign Travel Justification for Use of Non-U.S. Flag Carrier Form, located on the Office of Research website, indicating the reason for the exemption. • Attach a proposed itinerary of the trip. • Email documents to the Sponsored Research Accounting Services Accounting Coordinator assigned to your department for approval.
- Travel to and from the United States - Passenger service by a U.S. flag air carrier will not be considered available when the travel is between a gateway airport in the United States and a gateway airport abroad and the gateway airport abroad is:
- When a traveler with a documented accommodation for a disability incurs travel expenses in excess of those ordinarily authorized, and the excess travel expenses were incurred to permit the safe travel, those excess expenses will be reimbursed to the extent that they were reasonable and necessary. All such claims for reimbursement shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
- University travelers are eligible for Worker's Compensation benefits during periods of travel which are necessary to perform the official business of the University. Travelers are not eligible for Worker's Compensation benefits during activities which deviate from the normal course and scope of the official business, such as vacations or personal enterprise, even though the activities may be combined with periods of travel for official business.
- Claims and inquiries regarding Worker's Compensation benefits should be directed to the Worker's Compensation Section of Human Resources.
- Travel requests provide substantiating documentation which may be useful in the verification of claims.
- Failure to comply with motor vehicle regulations, such as speed limits and use of seat belts, may result in reduced Worker's Compensation benefits should an accident occur while on official business.
- University travelers are eligible for Worker's Compensation benefits during periods of travel which are necessary to perform the official business of the University. Travelers are not eligible for Worker's Compensation benefits during activities which deviate from the normal course and scope of the official business, such as vacations or personal enterprise, even though the activities may be combined with periods of travel for official business.
- If reimbursement is not issued within 40 days of the date that a properly completed expense report is approved by all required levels and available for pre-payment audit, the traveler will be paid interest at the rate of 1% per month calculated on a daily basis on the unpaid balance from the expiration of the 40-day period until such time as the reimbursement is issued to the traveler.
- All foreign travel must be booked online in Concur or through the TMC prior to the trip, regardless of funding source. Travelers should exercise prudence when traveling to a foreign location. Before making travel plans, the U.S. Department of State’s international travel advisory information should be reviewed, Travel to United States Government listed States of Terror is not allowed. Review the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism on the U.S. Department of State’s website,, before making travel plans.
- The University may reimburse authorized travelers for foreign travel based on the current rates of per diem as specified in the U.S. Department of State Standardized Regulations for Foreign Areas ( The Standardized Regulations for Foreign Areas provides for foreign per diem rates made up of three components: maximum lodging allowance, individual meal allowance, and incidental expense allowance. The University does not reimburse for incidental expenses based on a per diem basis, but only actual incidental expenses incurred. Receipts must be provided to support the cost of all lodging for reimbursement up to the prescribed maximum under the U.S. Department of State’s guidelines. Incidental expenses must be supported in accordance with University travel policies. U.S. Department of State’s rates received in advance, for planning purposes, should be considered estimates of the rates which may be applicable at the time of travel. Rates for foreign travel shall begin on the date and time of departure from the United States to the foreign destination and shall terminate on the date and time of departure from the foreign country to the United States.
- Rates for foreign travel shall not be claimed for any quarter in which domestic meal allowances or per diem is claimed. When a traveler departs from one foreign geographic location to another, reimbursement will be calculated at the applicable meal rate based on the location at which the traveler will procure lodging accommodations. Layover locations are not considered the foreign destination for purposes of reimbursement unless lodging accommodations have to be obtained. University policies concerning complimentary lodging and/or meals still apply to foreign travel.
- When preparing the expense report, amounts should be entered in US dollars. If receipts are in a foreign language and currency, the Concur currency exchange rate application should be used to convert the cost to U.S. dollars based on the date the item was purchased. Other sources are bank or credit card statements and currency exchange receipts provided by the traveler.
- A foreign conference or convention may require for the registration fee to be paid by a foreign wire/draft in U.S. dollars or foreign currency. The department must send the Travel Office a Foreign Vendor Payment Request Form, which includes the travel request number and the registration form provided by the conference/convention. In the event a traveler requires payment by a foreign wire, a Foreign Vendor Payment Request Form should be completed in conjunction with an expense report. The expense report must contain comments indicating that the payment will be made via wire. All related travel expense documentation must be submitted via Concur. Any associated bank wire fees may be charged to the department.
- Certain university travelers may be authorized to utilize private aircrafts. These travelers will be required to obtain documented pre-trip approval prior to arranging the use of university-owned aircraft or any leased or chartered aircraft on behalf of the university enterprise.
- A private aircraft is available to provide a means of travel to maximize the productivity of the travelers by limiting non-productive travel time. The aircraft assigned shall be capable of safe and reliable flight during night or instrument conditions and shall be available on request either to meet pre-planned trip requirements or those of an unforeseen or emergency nature. The use of the charter aircraft is advised when it is cost-justifiable or in the best interest of the university.
- For additional guidance and procedures, please view the Private Aircraft Use Guidelines posted on the Controller’s Office Travel website.
- Florida Statute 112.061 – Per Diem and travel expenses of public officers, employees, and authorized person
- 4-OP-A-9 Internal Control Responsibility and Accountability
- 4-OP-D-1 OMNI Departments
- This policy shall be reviewed by the Associate VP for Finance & Administration (AVP) every seven years for its effectiveness. The AVP shall make recommendations to the Vice President for Finance and Administration for any modification or elimination.