4-OP-G-10 Insurance, Risk Management and Workers' Compensation

Responsible Executive:​ Finance and Administration

Approving Official: Vice President of Finance and Administration

Effective Date: January 1, 2014

Last Revision Date: Unrevised at this time.



  • To recognize, identify and control risks to the University through the development and implementation of policies, programs and procedures to eliminate or minimize the potential for injury to faculty, staff, students and visitors, and to minimize loss or damage to the University's material assets.


  • The University has exposure to various risks related to employee safety and potential losses to University assets. The Risk Management Office within the Department of Environmental Health & Safety seeks to eliminate, prevent or minimize those risks. Recognizing the need and responsibility to preserve the University's resources, the Risk Management Office develops policy and guidelines for administration of insurance programs and uses risk management strategies to reduce risks.


    • The Risk Management Office administers policies and best practices that are designed to reduce or eliminate the potential for losses to the University. The Risk Management Office is responsible for:
      • Assessing risk through identifying, measuring and evaluating risk exposures based on information provided by other programs or collected by the Risk Management Office.
      • Determining potential impacts of University actions on liability exposures.
      • Reviewing contracts, licenses and agreements as required by policy or upon request.
      • Administering the State and non-State provided insurance programs.
      • Serving as the University liaison to the Department of Financial Services and coordinating risk management-related issues with the University community.
      • Providing guidance to departments on loss control, insurance requirements and availability of policies.
      • Investigating and handling of claims in a timely manner.
      • Providing education through training and consultation.
      • Developing and implementing risk management programs.
      • Applying loss-prevention and loss-reduction techniques to eliminate or minimize losses to the University.
      • Coordinating with the Office of General Counsel regarding claims against the University and matters involving losses which may affect the financial position of the University.
    • The Risk Management Office will work with the University community to ensure that a safe environment is provided for faculty, staff, students and visitors, and to minimize loss or damage to the University's material assets through the development and implementation of loss-prevention programs and the application of effective risk management principles.
    • Management employees have an important role in risk management. Although the Risk Management Office has the responsibility of planning and organizing the program, to a great extent, it must rely on other functional areas for implementation. The emphasis placed on risk management techniques within departmental functional areas and individual employees has direct bearing on the success of this program. The risk management roles of those in supervision and management include:
      • Implementing University risk management and loss-control policies, programs and procedures within their functional areas.
      • Establishing effective lines of communication between employees, supervisory staff and managers to facilitate safety and loss control.
      • Promoting a safe and healthful working environment within the department, encouraging employees to promote safety among coworkers, and reporting safety or risk-related issues promptly.
      • Providing employees with proper tools and safety equipment, to accomplish their jobs safely.
      • Encouraging/requiring employees to participate in safety-related training.
      • Taking prompt and appropriate action to correct unsafe conditions or situations reported by employees.
      • Providing to the Risk Management Office information for property and contents insurance coverage and any additional information required to obtain or purchase other policies for coverage.
      • Providing for departmental cooperation with the Risk Management Office and others outside the department during accident investigations, inspections, claims processing and program reviews.
      • Cooperating with staff, auditors and general counsel in ensuring that contracts, agreements and other documents have the necessary insurance, hold harmless agreements, indemnification, dispute resolution and other protective measures as required by policy.
    • The success of the University's loss control program starts with employees who utilize safe work practices:
      • Every employee must agree to work safely, following commonly accepted and University established rules, practices and procedures. Employees who repeatedly violate safety rules and practices and/or incur preventable accidents are subject to disciplinary actions.
      • Employees should encourage and promote safety among fellow coworkers and within their respective departments.
      • Employees must promptly report safety hazards, potential problems or other compliance issues to their supervisor and/or the Risk Management Office.