Human Resources Glossary of Terms

1  |  A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |   S  |  T  |  U  |   V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z


12-Month Period (Family and Medical Leave Act):
The twelve (12) month period for University employees is a “rolling” 12 month period, effective July 1, 2005. The 12-month period begins and is measured backward from the first date an employee uses FMLA leave.



A&P Appointment Status Modifiers:
Regular Status, Provisional Status, Acting Status, Visiting Status, Emeritus Status and Multi-Year Status.

Relates to the capacity to perform an observable behavior or produce and observable product.

A budgetary action taken to eliminate an authorized position due to a shortage of funds or work or because of a material change in the duties or organization within a university.

Acting Status:
A limited time A&P appointment that includes the assumption of additional or replacement duties.

Active Military Service:
Active duty in the Florida defense force or federal service in training or on active duty with any branch of the Armed Forces or Reservists of the Armed Forces, the Florida National Guard, the Coast Guard of the United States, and service of all officers of the United States Public Health Service detailed by proper authority for duty with the Armed Forces, and shall include the period during which a person in military service is absent from duty on account of sickness, wounds, leave, or other lawful cause.

Add/Delete Action:
Position job title change that crosses pay plans, (e.g. USPS to A&P.)

Administrative Leave:
Leave of absence with pay authorized for particular purposes not chargeable against an employee's accrued leave.

Administrative & Professional (A&P):
The following is an outline of positions meeting class specifications and criteria.

1) Administrative - The functions of the position require frequent direct dealing with faculty at a peer relationship level.

The position bears primary responsibility for the organization, direction and the position has authority and responsibility for formulating, interpreting, and implementing policies affecting the activities of the University as a whole or of a major element of the University.

2) Professional - The Primary function of a position is development of implementation of elements of a formal program in teaching, research, the practice of medicine, or student affairs in the University setting.

The functions of the position require highly specialized knowledge and capabilities acquired through academic preparation beyond the baccalaureate level or through extensive related experience' or the position is organizationally outside the area of budgetary functions of instruction and research, but the duties and responsibilities involved in the position are on a recognized level of comparability with the instruction and research personnel of the University.


The publication of a vacancy in the FSU Job Vacancy Announcement and/or State University System Bulletin. Other advertising may be conducted based on the needs of the hiring department.

Agency/Local Funds:
Examples of FID's that are local funds include athletics, loans, scholarships, activities, concessions and agency funds. Local funds are those accounts that belong to entities of the university and are maintained in local banks rather than the State Treasury. It also implies that checks are cut locally on campus for these accounts rather than by the State Comptroller.

Non-United States citizen who is either a non-resident or Permanent Resident Immigrant.

Annual Date:
The date marking the beginning date of an employee's appointment in a given classification.

Annual Evaluation:
A constructive tool for continual improvement, documenting an employees' performance. The evaluation is conducted on a yearly basis based on a predetermined review period.

Annual Leave:
Authorized leave of absence with pay granted an employee for vacation or other personal purposes.

Appointing Authority:
The designation given individuals who may review and approve employee appointment actions or utilization of volunteer service workers. Included are the President, Vice President, Deans, Directors, and Department Chairpersons/Heads.

Arbitration Appeal Procedure:
Final and binding arbitration proceeding requested by a USPS employee with permanent status or A&P employee who is involuntarily dismissed, suspended without pay, demoted, reduction in pay, or transferred greater than fifty miles. The University bears the cost of the arbitration.

Arbitration (Collective Bargaining Agreement):
Final and binding arbitration proceeding set forth in the Grievance Procedure of the collective bargaining agreements covering bargaining unit employees. The cost of the arbitration is borne by the loser or split if the arbitrator's decision is split.

Asbestos Abatement Activities:
Duties that are performed when removing asbestos in accordance with approved techniques and standards.

Authorized Position:
A position included in the University and the Legislative branch approved budgets.

Auxiliary Funds:
An auxiliary enterprise furnishes a service to students, faculty or staff and charges a fee directly related, but not necessarily equal to the cost of the service. They are essential elements in support of the educational program and conceptually should be regarded as self-supporting. An exception to this is the group of quasi-auxiliaries. They are not totally self-sufficient and rely on state appropriations for partial support.



Base Rate of Pay:
Pay provided employees not including any additives.

Below Satisfactory Evaluation:
A performance evaluation reflecting that the employee is not meeting the performance standards of the position.

Break in Service:
A break in service occurs when an employee: 1) receives a lump sum payment for accrued annual leave upon separation, except in the case of layoff of an employee with regular status in any class; 2) is separated due to layoff and is not re-employed within 12 calendar months from the date of layoff; or 3) separates from a State of Florida university or agency and a period in excess of 31 days elapses between the last day on the payroll of the prior university or agency and the first day on the payroll of the receiving State of Florida university or agency.

Budget Entities:
Specific budgetary units such as Educational and General, Contracts and Grants, Auxiliary Enterprises, Athletics, and Student Affairs.



Change in Assignments:
Moving an employee from a position in one class to a different position in the same class or a different class having the same salary range maximum.

Child Labor:
Compliance with the provisions of the Florida Child Labor Law, Chapter 450, Part 1, Florida Statues, in the appointment and employment of minors under the age of 18.

Child (FMLA):
A son or daughter (one who is either under age 18 or age 18 or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability) who is a biological, adopted, or foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis.

All positions that are sufficiently similar as to kind and subject matter of work, level of difficulty or responsibilities and qualification requirements of the work to warrant the same treatment as to title, pay range, and other personnel characteristics.

Classification Change:
An action taken to change the classification of an established position as a result of a change in the duties and responsibilities assigned the position.

Classification and Pay Plan:
An official guide established and maintained by the Board, which consists of but is not limited to, all approved classes of positions; the class specifications for all approved classes of positions; the allocation of each position to its proper class; and the rules governing the administration of the plan.

Classifications Specifications:
The set of Board of Trustees criteria used to determine a position's job title assignments. It includes minimum eligibility qualifications, explanation of job duties, collective bargaining, exempt/non-exempt FLSA status, etc.

Collective Bargaining Agreement:
A negotiated agreement between a certified bargaining agent (union) and the Board of Trustees.

Commercial Motor Vehicle:
A motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles used to transport passengers or property if the motor vehicle 1) has a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 26,001 or more pounds; or 2) has a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds inclusive of a towed unit with a GVWR of more than 10,000 pounds; or 3) is designated to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver; or 4) transports hazardous materials requiring the vehicle to be placarded.

The allegation by an employee that any condition affecting the employee's terms and conditions of employment is unjust or creates a problem. Under this procedure, an employee shall not have the right to file a complaint concerning evaluations of performance unless it is alleged that the evaluation was based on factors other than performance. Suspensions, reductions in pay, transfers, layoffs, demotions, job abandonment, and dismissals shall not be considered as complaints under this process, but shall be handled under the provisions governing arbitration appeals for USPS and A&P employees.

Complaint Review Officer:
The Complaint Review Officer is appointed by the Director of Employee & Labor Relations to review and investigate an official Complaint filed under the University Complaint Procedure. The Complaint Review Officer will make a recommendation to the Vice-President over the Division in which the Complaint was filed.

Conflicts of Interest:
Situation where an employee has an interest, financial or otherwise (direct or indirect), engages in any business transaction or professional activity; or incurs any obligation of any nature which is in substantial conflict with the full and competent performance of the employee's duties.

Contract & Grant Budget (C&G):
This budget entity, consisting of trust fund monies only, represents activities for which the university receives funds for specific services, usually research or training from an outside agency, including federally funded grants.



A demotion occurs when an employee's classification or pay grade changes and results in the position having a lesser degree of responsibility and a lower pay grade range maximum.

Department Representative
A representative from a department within the University who is responsible for one or more of the following department functions: purchasing, budget, travel, human resources, payroll and property control. The Department Representative attends meetings and training related to their departmental responsibility and has the knowledge of and ability to interpret and apply related University, Federal, and State policies and procedures.

The employees' or retiree's children, legally adopted children or children placed in the home for the purpose of adoption, stepchildren for whom the employee or retiree is financially responsible or any other children for whom the employee or retiree has established legal guardianship. To determine eligibility an employee must be 1) salaried (OPS employee's are not eligible) and 2) a full time university employee.

Designated Area of Layoff:
The area established by the University, within which employees affected by layoff actions may be reassigned. The competitive area of layoff is within fifty (50) miles of the employee(s) to be laid off work location and specific to each University Division.

Disability or Partial Disability:
An employee is unable to perform all or a portion of their duties as a result of an injury or sickness.

The action taken by the University to involuntarily separate an employee from University employment.

A position reclassified to a pay grade with a lower maximum salary range.

Effective 7/1/98, all eligible FRS members may elect to participate in the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP). The DROP is an alternative method for payout of retirement benefits for up to sixty (60) months after a member reaches age sixty-two (62) or has completed thirty (30) years of employment with an FRS employer. The DROP allows a member to have their retirement benefits deposited monthly into an annuity account, earning interest, while simultaneously continuing to work. This purpose of this program is to provide a means for retirees to accumulate additional savings while continuing employment.



Education & General Budget (E&G):
This term identifies the general activities supported primarily by state funds to provide services and programs at all Florida state universities, including instructional programs leading to formal degrees, research and public service.

Elimination Period:
Begins the first day an employee is unable to work and extends for ninety (90) days. On the 91st day, disability benefits begin.

Eligibility Determination:
The review and evaluation of an applicant's education, training and experience against the minimum standards established for the Administrative and Professional (A&P) or University Support Personnel System (USPS) position and/or the departments advertised requirements.

Eligible Employees':
Include all state officers, and their eligible dependents in salaried positions, surviving spouses and certain retired employees who elect to participate.

Emergency Closing of University Facilities:
The President may close the University in the event of an Executive Order issued by the Governor declaring an emergency has been issued. When natural disasters or other sudden and unplanned emergency conditions occur which are not covered by Executive Order, the President shall determine whether the University, or any portion thereof, is affected by the emergency and is to be closed. The President shall promptly notify the Board of Trustees when such a closing occurs. Such closing will be only for the period of time necessary to restore normal working conditions. A closing beyond two consecutive days shall require the approval of the Board of Trustees.

Emergency Status:
An USPS appointment for no more than 3 months when a vacancy must be filled immediately due to an emergency.

Such appointments may be made without regard to the employee's training and experience or other provisions of these rules.

Emeritus Status:
An honorary title which may be conferred at retirement in recognition of distinguished service.

Available during the first sixty (60) days of employment for any employee working at least ten (10) hours per week. After sixty (60) days, evidence of insurability is required.

Equal Opportunity:
The nondiscrimination toward applicants and employees as it pertains to race, color, religion, age, disability, sex, marital status, national origin as well as veteran status consistent with Federal and State Laws. This applies in all areas of employing students and all University personnel.

It is also relevant to those aspects of the University concerned with the choice of contractors, suppliers of goods and services and to the use of University facilities.

Essential Functions:
The fundamental job duties of a position

Established Position:
An authorized position which has been classified in accordance with a classification plan as provided by law.

Executive Service:
A designation given to executive level A&P employees by the President of the University.

Extra State Compensation:
The compensation of a state employee for employment for more than a total of one (1) full-time equivalent (FTE) established position; simultaneous payment from any appropriation (OPS, expense, etc.) other than appropriations for salaries; or simultaneous payment from more than one (1) state agency or university; or any combination of two (2) or more of the before conditions.



Family and Medical Leave:
Job protected unpaid leave granted in compliance with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for reason of the birth of a child or placement of a child for adoption or foster care; a personal serious health condition; to care for an immediate family member with a serious health condition; a qualifying exigency arising out of an immediate family member being ordered to active duty; or to care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA):
The regulations of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, at 29 CFR, Part 825, and the Department of Labor regulations providing entitlement to twelve (12) workweeks of unpaid leave during a one year period for reasons of the birth and first year care of a child or placement of a child for adoption or foster care; personal illness because of a serious health condition or to care for an immediate family member with a serious health condition; or a qualifying exigency arising out of an immediate family member being ordered to active duty. Up to a total of twenty-six (26) workweeks of unpaid leave may be taken to care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness.

Florida Governmental Entity:
An agency, university, community college, county or city within Florida whose employees participate in the Florida Retirement System.

Florida Retirement System Pension Plan (FRS):
A defined benefit pension plan. All employees may elect to participate in this plan. Employees are vested after 6 years of continuous service and receive a lifetime monthly income from the plan at retirement. The amount received is based on age, years of creditable service, the value of each year of service and an average final compensation upon retirement. This plan also features an annual 3% cost-of-living adjustment and a monthly subsidy to supplement payment of health insurance premiums after retirement.

Florida Retirement Beneficiary (FRS):
This is the joint annuitant or any other person, estate, organization, or trust fund designated by the member to receive any benefits which may be payable upon the member's death.

FLSA Exempt:
This status is assigned to an employee whose duties and functions are primarily executive, professional or administrative in nature and is not restricted to a forty (40) hour work week under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

FLSA Non-Exempt:
This status is assigned to an employee who occupies a position that is covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act, and is restricted to a 40-hour workweek.

FRS Average Final Compensation:
This is an average of the five (5) highest years of salary earned during employment.

Salaries are calculated on fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) periods.

FRS Years of Creditable Service:
This is the service earned while employed in a regularly established position with an employer that participated in the FRS; additional service may be purchased including refunded service, service not contributed on, past service and military service.

Full Time Equivalent (FTE):
This is the portion of full-time effort expected to be expended by an appointment.



A dispute filed with the University's Management Representative (Step 1) under a Collective Bargaining Agreement.



Hours Worked:
The time during which an employee performs duties (directed, permitted or performed with the supervisor's knowledge) that pertain to University business or that benefit the University. Time spent for an employee to attend meetings, conferences or training that are required by the supervisor and time spent taking examinations or interviews for other Florida State University employment when approved by the supervisor.



Immediate Family Member (FMLA):
Immediate family members defined for leave purposes relating to FMLA are a spouse, parent or child of the employee.

Immediate Family Member (Other than FMLA):
An immediate family member defined for leave purposes other than FMLA are a spouse, grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren of both the employee and the employee's spouse.

Individuals with Disabilities:
An individual is considered to have a “disability” if the person has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of life’s major activities or if the individual has a record of such an impairment. To qualify for a reasonable accommodation in employment, an individual with a disability must also be a “qualified individual,” meaning the person meets legitimate skill, experience, education, or other requirements of the employment position and can perform the essential functions of the position with or without reasonable accommodation.

Initial Classification:
The initial classification of a position to an established class within the USPS or A&P classification plans, based on the duties and responsibilities of the position along with the concepts and allocation factors issued by the Board of Trustees.

A position is covered under a collective bargaining unit.

Intermittent Leave:
FMLA leave taken on a non-continuous basis due to a single qualifying reason. Also may refer to leave used on a non-continuous basis for medical or military reasons not related to FMLA.

Internal Revenue Service



Relates to organized information, facts or principles that an individual must possess for successful job performance. Knowledge may be acquired through formal education, training or personal experience.

For position descriptions, the KSA's are knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform the duties of the position. For advertising purposes, this would be the knowledge, skills and/or abilities identified on the position description. These may be listed as a requirement or preference depending upon hiring department needs. If listed as required only applicants who possess those required KSA's will be referred for consideration.



A position title change where the pay grade remains the same.

The involuntary termination of an employee from the University due to the abolishment of the employee’s position based on the business needs of the department. Examples of business need include, but are not limited to, adverse financial circumstances; reallocation of resources; reorganization of programs or functions; curtailment or abolishment of programs or functions; shortage of work; or a material change of duties.

Layoff Unit:
The Layoff Unit for Florida State University is designated as the department in which the layoff is to occur.

Lead Abatement Activities:
Duties that are performed when removing lead in accordance with approved techniques and standards.

Lead Worker:
If there are three or more positions in the same class or a different class with the same pay grade located in the same work unit, one of the positions may be assigned lead worker duties, provided

1) The assignment of directive and/or coordinative duties and responsibilities is limited, and is in addition to the normal duties and responsibilities of the position. Lead worker duties do not include administering performance appraisals or disciplinary actions,

2) The additional duties do not justify classification action of the position to a supervisory class,

3) The affected work unit is geographically separated from the main work unit to such an extent that the normal direct supervision could not reasonably be provided.

Leave of Absence without Pay:
Authorized or unauthorized leave of absence for which period the employee shall receive no pay.

Local/Agency Funds:
Examples of FID's that are local funds include athletics, loans, scholarships, activities, concessions and agency funds. Local funds are those accounts that belong to entities of the university and are maintained in local banks rather than the State Treasury.

It also implies that checks are cut locally on campus for these accounts rather than by the State Comptroller.



Management's Rights:
Management has the right to set standards of services to be offered to the public, and exercise control and discretion over its organization and operations. It is the right of the University to direct its employees, take disciplinary action for proper cause, and relieve its employees from duty because of lack of work or for other legitimate reasons, except as abridged or modified by the provisions of the Rules of the Board of Trustees, or Collective Bargaining Agreements.

Maximum Exclusion Allowance:
An amount an employee may annually contribute to a tax shelter as outlined in IRS guidelines.

At FSU, contributions are calculated by an annuity company representative.

Multi-Year Status:
An A&P appointment which extends beyond one academic or fiscal year.



Employment of an individual hired or employed (full-time, part-time, temporary, or student worker) in a department or unit which will result in the existence of a subordinate-superior relationship between such individual and any relative of such individual, as defined below, through any direct or indirect line of authority. Relatives: are individuals related to each other in one of the following ways, whether by blood, adoption, marriage (in-laws/step), or other legal action: spouses; parents; grandparents; children; grandchildren; siblings; aunts/uncles; or nieces/nephews.

An individual who is not currently a citizen of the United States but may possess a visa or a Permanent Resident card which permits gainful employment in the United States as determined by the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Non-Perquisite Items:
Items furnished to an employee or group of employees for their protection and/or safety (to include personal clothing) where personal safety is needed in the performance of their duties.



On-Call Pay:
An employee who is required to be on-call during weekdays (Monday – Friday) shall be compensated by payment of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) for each hour such employee is required to be on-call. An employee who is required to be on-call on a Saturday, Sunday or a University holiday will be compensated by payment equal to one-fourth (1/4) of the employee's base rate of pay for each hour employee is required to be available.

On-Call Status:
An employee who is required to be on-call during weekdays (Monday – Friday) shall be compensated by payment of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) for each hour such employee is required to be on-call. An employee who is required to be on-call on a Saturday, Sunday or a University holiday will be compensated by payment equal to one-fourth (1/4) of the employee's base rate of pay for each hour employee is required to be available.

Open-Ended Questions:
A question designed to help the interviewee give a lengthy response as opposed to a brief answer.

Open Posting:
Where it is demonstrated there is an ongoing need for applicants, the university may designate the advertisement for a class as open posting. With this designation, no application deadline has been established, and positions may open and close at any time.

Optional Retirement Plan (ORP):
A defined contribution pension plan. Faculty and select A&P employees may elect either the FRS or ORP plan option. Each pay period, the employer contributes a percentage of earnings into an annuity. Vesting is immediate and the retirement benefit is based on the amount of funds contributed, the investment earnings of those funds and the type of annuity selected.

Optional Retirement Plan Beneficiary (ORP):
The beneficiary is anyone so designated by the employee. This person or persons are eligible to receive a benefit as defined in the company tax sheltered annuity contract.

Reference TDA- Tax Deferred Annuity, 403(b) and 457 plan guidelines.

1) IRS - Internal Revenue Service 2) Salary Reduction Agreement- Contract which specifies amount to be deferred and timeframe of deferment.

Organization Chart:
Graphic depiction of staff structure and reporting relationships.

Original Appointment:
Initial employment with The Florida State University

Other Personal Services (OPS):
A temporary and at-will appointment.

A position is NOT covered under a collective bargaining unit.

Outside Employment:
Employment beyond the normal working hours of the University, with an organization that is not an agency of the State of Florida.

The hours of work required by management and approved in advance in excess of forty (40) hours during the workweek. Compensation for the overtime hours is made at one and one-half times the regular rate as either payment or compensatory leave earned as appropriate depending on the employee’s pay plan.

A temporary condition in which more than one employee in a pay status is placed in the same position, resulting in the position being filled by more than 1.0 FTE.



Parent (FMLA):
A biological, adoptive, step or foster father or mother of an employee or any other individual who stood in loco parentis to an employee when the employee was a child. This term does not include parents "in-law."

Parental Leave:
The leave entitlement provided under Florida Statutes 110.221 for birth and care or placement for adoption or foster care of a child to be taken before the end of the first 6 months following the date of birth or placement.

For the portion of an appointment in excess of the available established FTE for the position and for activities of limited duration where no FTE is assigned shall be from funds designated as OPS.

Pay and Leave Report:
The official document of the University for employees who are not using OMNI Self Service to record hours worked, leave requests and approvals for all types of leave prior to it being earned or taken.

Pay Grade:
The salary range, minimum and maximum pay, established by the Board of Trustees which is associated with USPS class specifications or the salary range assigned to an A&P position.

Pay Plan:
A document prepared by the Board of Trustees, State University System, that contains a list of all established classes of USPS and A&P positions. The Plan also formally describes the philosophy, methods, procedures, and the salary schedules for compensating employees for work performed.

Pay Rate:
Amount of pay within salary range.

Pay Status:

1) Promotion - Administrative and Professional (A&P) promotion is the appointment to another position or class with substantially increased responsibilities, or a permanent assignment of substantially increased responsibilities for the existing classification.

2) University Support Personnel System (USPS) promotion is the appointment to a class with substantially increased responsibilities.

3) Reassignment - Is the appointment of an A&P or USPS employee to a different position in the same class or in a different class having the same pay range maximum.

4) Regular rate of pay - Employee's base rate of pay plus any other pay which may be necessary to meet the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Performance Evaluation:
The overall rating given to an employee for the employee's performance during a specific period of service.

Things or the use thereof, or services of a kind which confer on an employee some benefit that is in the nature of additional compensation, or reduces to some extent the normal personal expenses of the employee, and shall include, but not be limited to, such things as quarters, subsistence, utilities, clothing, laundry services, medical service, use of state-owned vehicles for other than state purposes, servants paid by the state, an other similar things. Items furnished as perquisites are state property.

Personal Holiday:
One additional paid holiday per fiscal year authorized for full-time and part-time USPS employees to be used on any single day selected by the employee with supervisory approval.

Phased Retirement Program:
Allows faculty who have retired under the rules of the Division of Retirement to be re-employed by the University for a five-year period. During this re-employment period, retired faculty have the option of working full time for one academic term each year or half time for two terms. They may earn salary at one half of their thirty-nine-week academic year salary without affecting their retirement status.

At the end of the five-year period retirement is effective.

Duties and responsibilities assigned to a position/legislative number to be performed by an employee and for which they are compensated. (See Position Number/Legislative Number)

Position Description:
A document that accurately describes the duties and responsibilities normally assigned the position, and the job-related knowledge, skills and abilities required for the position.

Position Number/Legislative Number:
A number assigned to a budget entity as authorized by the Legislature or authorized pursuant to Chapter 216, Florida Statutes. (See Position/Job)

Position Vacancy:
A position that is vacant as a result of recent establishment or from which a University employee has terminated.

Predetermination Conference:
Affords due process for employees who are charged with certain appealable actions, i.e. suspension or dismissal.

Predetermination Procedures:
Affords due process for employees who are charged with certain appealable actions, i.e. suspension, and dismissal.

Primary Employer:
The state agency, university or department within the university which FIRST appointed and paid an employee, when that employee is to be paid extra state compensation (additional compensation) by another entity or department.

Probationary Evaluation:
The performance evaluation of an employee before completion of the employee's probationary period in a given classification.

Probationary Period:
A working trial period required of an employee following appointment to any class in which the employee does not hold status. Normally, the probationary period will be six months, but it may be extended at sixty-day intervals up to an additional six months.

An exception is University Law Enforcement Officers, who are required to serve a one-year probationary period.

A USPS employee who does not have status in the system may be released during the probationary period without notice or reason and without rights of appeal.

Probationary Status:
An appointment to a position in a class for the designated period, when the employee meets the minimum qualifications for the position. Continuous successful performance in a class with the appointment modifier of temporary may be counted toward completion of the required probationary period. The decision to count such time toward completion of the probationary period shall be made at the time the employee is initially appointed with probationary status.

Progressive Discipline:
A disciplinary concept based on the idea that employees have been informed of the performance and behavior expected of them. As offenses occur appropriate discipline is administered in a progressive manner, in accordance with the University Guidelines of Discipline, Florida State University Board of Trustees Regulation FSU-4.070.

Moving an employee from a position in one class to a different position in the same class or a different class having the same salary range maximum.

Proportionate Accrual Rate:
A part-time employee shall be paid proportionate to the full-time rate for all holidays and shall accrue leave proportionate to the full-time accrual rate according to their FTE.

Provisional Status:
An A&P appointment of a person not fully qualified, but who is expected to acquire such qualifications in a short period of time.



Qualified Individual with a Disability:
An individual with a disability who satisfies the requisite skills, experience, education and other job-related requirements of an employment position and who, with or without reasonable accommodations, can perform the essential functions of the position.

Qualifying Status Change Events:
The Division of State Group Insurance refers to a "QSC" as a change in employment status for either the subscriber or spouse, family status or significant change in health coverage of the employee or spouse attributable to the spouse's employment.



Rate is the permanent commitment of salary resources, is always associated with an authorized position, and based on annual gross salary. The total cost of a position includes salary dollars plus employer matching fringe benefit amounts for Social Security, health insurance, life insurance, and retirement contributions.

Reasonable Accommodations:
Structural or procedural modifications that will remove obstacles which prohibit a qualified applicant or employee with a disability from enjoying the same rights as those who are not disabled. Such modifications may be in, but are not limited to, three forms

1) modification of a particular job assignment that will enable a qualified individual with a disability to perform the essential function of the job without causing undue hardship to the University.

2) modifications that will allow employees with disabilities equal access to all privileges and benefits of employment

3) modification to the employment process that will allow applicants with disabilities equal opportunity to apply for jobs.

An employee moves from a position in one classification to a different position in the same classification or a different classification having the same level of responsibility and the same pay grade.

Position job title change. For filled positions, this results in a promotion, demotion or reassignment.

Reduced Work/Leave Schedule (FMLA):
The reduction of the employee's normal weekly or daily work schedule to take leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Reduction in Pay:
The act of reducing an employee's rate of pay.

Reference Checks:
The method used to confirm and obtain information regarding an applicant's past job performance.

Regular Rate of Pay:
An employee's base rate of pay plus any other pay which may be necessary to meet the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Regular Status:
A status earned by an employee in a class, after completing the specified probationary period for the class with satisfactory service.

Regular Work:
The assigned duties of the university position that the employee occupies.

Required Listing Period:
The required time for which a vacancy must be listed as defined by the Florida State University.

A voluntary act by the employee to terminate employment with the University.



Salary Dollars:
Funds needed to pay salaried employees for the fiscal year. As an example, if salary increases are administered on September 1st, the amount required is the sum of two months (July and August) of the old salary rate and ten months (September through June) of the new salary rate with increase.

Salary Range:
The salary level from a minimum amount to a maximum amount that contains a complete list of classes and their assigned salary ranges.

Salary Reduction Agreement:
Contract that specifies amount to be deferred and time frame of deferment.

Secondary Employer:
The state agency, university or department within the university which plans to pay a person who is already employed with and/or receiving state compensation from another state agency, university or department within FSU when the action would cause a dual employment and/or extra state compensation situation.

Selection Criteria:
The basis for selecting the most qualified candidate and the information used to determine a persons experience or proficiency level for performing specific duties required of an advertised position. This is established from information contained within the position description such as knowledge, skills and abilities and applied to the education/experience of the applicants.

This should include, but is not limited to interview results, reference checks from previous employers, volunteer work and work sample exercises.

Serious Health Condition (FMLA):
An illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that includes:

1) Any period of incapacity or treatment in connection with inpatient care (i.e. an overnight stay) in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility, and any period of incapacity or subsequent treatment in connection with such inpatient care;

2) Any period of incapacity requiring absence of more than three (3) consecutive calendar days from work, school, or other regular daily activities that also involves continuing treatment by (or under the supervision of) a health care provider; or

3) Continuing treatment by (or under supervision of) a health care provider for a chronic or long-term health condition that is incurable or so serious that, if not treated, would likely result in a period of incapacity of more than three calendar days; or

4) Prenatal care.


Seven (7) Minute Rule:
For time keeping purposes for non-exempt employees - All hours and minutes worked must be added and rounded to the nearest quarter of an hour at the end of each workday as follows:

MinutesConverted to Quarter of an Hour
0 to 7.00
8 to 22.25
23 to 37.50
38 to 52.75
53 to 601.00

Shift Differential:
The amount that may be paid to an employee filling a position assigned to a shift when at least half of the hours on that shift are worked between 6:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight.

Relates to the proficient manual, verbal or mental manipulation of data or things that an individual must possess for successful job performance.

A skill is observable, quantifiable or measurable.

Soft Money:
This term is broadly applied to budget entities other than educational and general or legislative and local or agency funding.

Special Evaluation:
Special evaluations should be completed when a USPS employee's performance changes from the rating reflected on the most recent evaluation. The special evaluation may only cover the day after the last rating period to the date the evaluation is discussed with the employee, with the exception of a Below Satisfactory evaluation, which may not cover more than a sixty (60) day period immediately preceding the evaluation.

Spouse (FMLA):
A husband or wife as defined or recognized under State law for purposes of marriage in the State where the employee resides, including common law marriage in States where it is recognized.

State Insurance Program:
An insurance plan or program authorized by the State of Florida for employees of the State.

Primarily responsible for spending a majority of time communicating with, motivating, training and evaluating employees and planning and directing work. Duties include the authority to hire, transfer, suspend, layoff, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward or discipline subordinate employees or to effectively recommend such actions.

The disciplinary action taken by the University against an employee to temporarily relieve the employee of duties and place the employee on leave without pay.



Tax Deferred Annuity, 403(b) and 457 plan guidelines.

Temporary Status:
An USPS appointment to provide a nonpermanent assignment to a vacant position; to replace an employee on leave, temporarily promoted or reassigned; or to overlap one employee with another for training purposes.

Time and Leave Representative:
A representative from a department within the University who is responsible for overseeing the time and leave entry and/or approval process and may enter time and/or approvals. The Time and Leave Representative attends meetings and training related to their departmental responsibility and has the knowledge of and ability to interpret and apply related University, Federal and State policies and procedures.

Time-Limited Positions:
An USPS position funded by other than an educational and general budget and the job duties are project or enterprise oriented for a specific period and ending date assigned.

Time-Limited Status:
An appointment to a position funded by contract and grant, auxiliaries, or local funds, as appropriate, for a particular project, enterprise, or specified period. Such designation must be made to the position at the time of recruitment. A time-limited position shall have the same rights as a position with a regular appointment modifier, except such position shall not have rights provided for layoff and recall.

Timesheet (Non-Exempt Employees):
The official document of the University for all non-exempt employees who do not utilize OMNI to keep an accurate record of their in and out times for all hours worked.

Trainee Status:
An appointment to a law enforcement position prior to receiving a Certificate of Compliance, except that the employee must, within 180 consecutive days following such appointment, be actively enrolled in the training program to obtain the certificate. Trainee status is also used when the employee has not passed a required examination but meets the minimum qualifications for the position; the employee is not fully qualified but is expected to acquire such qualification in a short period of time; or the appointment is under a cooperative education program, a vocational rehabilitation program, an approved university training program, or an apprenticeship program.

The appointment of an employee from one geographic location within the University to a different geographic location within the same University in excess of fifty (50) miles from the employee's current work location.



Undue Hardship:
Any action necessary to accommodate a person with a disability that results in an unreasonable burden or expense or that trammels the rights of others.

University Support Personnel System (USPS):
USPS defines State University System positions assigned professional, paraprofessional, administrative, clerical, secretarial, technical, skilled crafts, service or maintenance duties.

Unofficial Candidate:
When an applicant for an advertised position does not appear to meet the advertised requirements for the position, but their credentials may exceed either the degree/experience required for the class or their credential might equate to the experience required, they will be referred as an "unofficial" candidate. This will be noted on the application/resume. This allows departments to consider candidates that appear to qualify for their vacancy.

An action taken to reflect revisions to the duties and responsibilities assigned a position and/or other changes such as reporting relationships which do not warrant a change in classification of the position or do not constitute other classification action.

A position is reclassified to a pay grade with a higher maximum salary range.

USPS Appointment Status Modifiers:
Regular Status, Probationary Status, Trainee Status, Temporary Status, Emergency Status and Time-Limited Status.



Verification of Education and Experience:
The method used to verify education and/or work experience which includes, but is not limited to, copies of a high school diploma, notarized copy of college degree, copies of transcripts, correspondence from an academic granting institution and conducting reference checks with past employers.

Visiting Status:
An appointment of a person having professional qualifications, when either the person or the position is not expected to be available for more than a limited period of time.

Voluntary Demotion:
An employee voluntarily moves from a position in one classification to a different position in another classification having a lesser degree of responsibility and a lower pay grade. The employee may or may not take a reduction in pay, at the discretion of management.

Any person who, of his/her own free will, provides goods or services to any state department or agency, with no monetary or material compensation.

For purposes of clarification, volunteer may include but is not limited to, summer work and county community service programs.

If service is required for course work at FSU, the person is considered a student and not a volunteer.

Vulnerable Population:
is defined as those who are likely to be vulnerable to coercion or undue influence, require special consideration, and protection.  This includes, but is not limited to: Minors, Disabled Adults, and Vulnerable Adults. For more detail see the Background Check Website.



Work Sample Exercises:
The demonstration of a work activity that may be used to determine the level of proficiency of an applicant.

The work sample exercise must be one that is clearly defined by duties and responsibilities listed on the position description. An example of an exercise would be requesting that an applicant for a Word Processing Operator position demonstrate how they would prepare a document on a specific word processing system.

The established workweek for Florida State University is the time included within seven consecutive days beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Friday and ending at 12 midnight the following Thursday.