4-OP-G-5 Laboratory Safety

Responsible Executive:​ Finance and Administration

Approving Official: Vice President Finance and Administration

Effective Date: January 1, 2014

Last Revision Date: Unrevised at this time.


  • Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations Food and Drugs
  • Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations Labor
  • Chapter 64F-12, Florida Administrative Code Regulations for Drugs, Devices and Cosmetics
  • United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), conditions and contingencies specified for current Controlled Substance Registrations for Schedule 1 and Schedule 2,2N,3,3N,4 and 5 substances


  • There are two general categories for the objectives related to protection from the hazards covered by this policy: those intended to prevent immediately observable deleterious effects following an acute materials exposure or accident and those intended to prevent latent injuries or conditions that may occur from repeated and/or lower level exposures or injuries. Addressing the latter objective usually employs the most conservative approach while affording a greater margin of protection than would be necessary to simply protect against an acute exposure or accident. The considerations for protection of the environment are also addressed by programmatic approaches aimed at limiting potential long-term exposures to personnel from any particular hazard. The guiding principle which must always be applied is that any exposure to a recognized hazard should be kept "as low as reasonably achievable" or "ALARA" and below any applicable regulatory limits. The subjective part of this is obviously what is "reasonable", which is predominantly governed by common sense. Those instances where "reasonable" measures are not as obvious must be determined in coordination with EH&S personnel.


  • The Laboratory Safety section within the Department of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) is responsible for the protection of the environment and all individuals that may be exposed to hazards associated with Florida State University (FSU) laboratories, research support areas, academic studios, and similar settings. This section is also tasked with coordination and oversight of the acquisition and use of prescription drugs, controlled substances, and ether in non-medical or veterinary activities at Florida State University.
  • Faculty, staff, students, and visitors at all FSU facilities and field sites must protect themselves, the environment, and other people by adhering to all applicable federal, state, and local regulations.
      1. The Laboratory Safety section is responsible for the protection of the environment and all individuals that may be exposed to hazards associated with Florida State University (FSU) laboratories, research support areas, academic studios and similar settings. This section is also responsible for coordination and oversight of the University's "Possession of Ether, Prescription, and Controlled Drugs" program.
      2. Faculty, staff, students, and visitors at all FSU facilities and field sites must protect themselves, the environment and other people by adhering to all applicable federal, state, and local regulations. Synthesis of controlled substances, prescription drugs, or any other regulated substance by personnel not specifically licensed to do so is strictly forbidden.
      3. Required protective measures and regulatory compliance issues related to laboratory safety, especially controlled substances, can be complex and technical in nature. Laboratory Safety section staff should therefore be given advance notice and consulted prior to any operations involving these hazards.
      1. Laboratory Safety Program
      2. Laboratory Safety Manual
      3. Regulated Drugs, Pharmaceuticals, and Ether