Responsible Executive: Finance and Administration
Approving Official: Vice President of Finance and Administration
Effective Date: January 1, 2014
Last Revision Date: Unrevised at this time.
- To specify the requirements and procedures for selecting and transferring university records to the university archives. This policy applies to all university administrative units, colleges, departments, centers, and institutes.
- The university archives maintains the official repository of Florida State University’s records that have been identified as having enduring administrative and historical value. The archives are administered by Heritage Protocol & University Archives in the Special Collections & Archives Division of the University Libraries.
- All units of the university that have primary responsibility for writing, publishing, or otherwise producing in final form, the materials described below or other records that are deemed to have historical value, are responsible for ensuring these materials are transferred to the university archives. Materials are selected, preserved, and made accessible for their enduring historical and administrative value to the university and are appraised for their content.
- Questions concerning the selection of records for inclusion in the university archives, and procedures for transferring those materials should be directed to the University Archivist.
- The following definition will apply throughout this procedure.
- Records are defined as physical and digital materials created by or about Florida State University. This includes public records and documents or other materials prepared, owned, or used by administrators, faculty acting in administrative capacities, staff of university units, and student government in the performance of an official function.
- The following types of materials should be furnished in two copies along with a covering memorandum to the Special Collections Department as soon after publication as possible.
- administrative files
- financial documents
- reports, statistics (special committees, departmental, School or College)
- strategic plans
- self-studies
- mission statements
- brochures, newsletters, programs, special event materials publications
- photographs multimedia materials
- minutes of meetings of the Faculty Senate, Council of Deans, University Council, General Faculty and other bodies Florida State University
- Press publications
- university budget official student government records (meeting minutes, statues, bylaws, activities, resolutions, etc.)
- The listing above is not intended to be all-inclusive. Other materials and records should be submitted for inclusion in the archives as appropriate.
- The following types of materials should be furnished in two copies along with a covering memorandum to the Special Collections Department as soon after publication as possible.