4-OP-B-2 Issuance of University Keys/Access Control

Responsible Executive:​ Vice President for Finance and Administration

Approving Official:         Vice President for Finance and Administration

Effective Date:                January 1, 2014

Last Revision Date:       Unrevised at this time.


  • The purpose of this policy is to provide adequate physical building security for persons and property through the use of access control devices and the control of keys issued, to assure appropriate access to work areas by employees in buildings on the Florida State University campus, and to allow unrestricted access by University Police and maintenance personnel to all campus areas for reasons of security, safety, and health.


  • Facilities is responsible for the management of the University Keying Systems. That responsibility includes controlling the production, storage, and issuance of keys; the replacement or rekeying of lock cylinders; the acquisition of new keying systems; the maintenance of accurate records; and the cataloging of and adherence to key system authorizations. All locks and keys must be approved by Facilities Key Shop before installation.
  • The FSU Police Department (FSUPD) is responsible for overall campus security. Any deviation from established security policies and practices must be submitted to the FSUPD in writing for approval.
  • ITS is responsible for purchase, installation, and maintenance of campus-wide electronic access control systems. The Facilities Key Shop is responsible for stand-alone access locks. The electronic access control systems used shall use the FSUCard to allow access.
    1. Grand Master Key: Provides total access to all buildings within a particular system on campus. Authorization for this key is granted by the Associate Vice President for Facilities, or the FSUPD Chief, and is restricted to security and maintenance personnel only.
    2. Building Master Key: Provides access to all spaces within an individual building. The issuance of this key is restricted to persons authorized by the Building Key Manager/Security Access Representative. Multi-departmental buildings will need approval from all Key Managers/Security Access Representatives in the building. This applies to restricted keys only.
    3. Building Sub-Master Key: Provides access to a group of rooms within a department or building. Authorization for this key will be determined by the Key Manager/Security Access Representative.
    4. Individual Room Key: Provides access to a room/office within an individual building. Authorization is granted by the Key Manager/Security Access Representative.
    1. University Police must have unrestricted access to all campus areas for safety, security and health reasons, through the establishment and maintenance of a master keying system. Any request for keying off the master system must be submitted in writing, with justification to the Supervisor Facilities Key Shop.
    2. All employees of Florida State University will be assured access to their workspace. In most situations, keys will be issued directly to employees. As key holders, individuals will assume responsibility for safekeeping and eventual return of university keys. Any request for key duplications must be submitted to, coordinated and performed by the FSU Key Shop. Any other method of duplication is prohibited.
    3. Keys will not be issued to students or student employees, except as provided for in the key policies. A Dean, Director, or Department Chair may authorize temporary key access to a student employee within a department, through the Key Manager/Security Access Representative, and will assume responsibility for its use.
    4. A Key manager/Security Access Representative will be designated for each building and/or department. One of the responsibilities of the position will be the supervision of key transactions.
    5. Actual key issuance and collection, along with related key form paperwork and record keeping will be handled within departments by the Key Manager/Security Access Representative. These Key managers/Security Access Representatives will act as department liaisons between the Facilities Key Shop and building occupants.
    6. Lost or stolen keys will not be replaced until a report has been filed with University Police.
    7. Key Managers/Security Access Representatives are appointed by a Dean, Director or Department Chair in writing to the Facilities Key Shop. Key Managers/Security Access Representatives must be USPS/A&P employees.
    1. Original keys issued to an employee are not chargeable.
    2. Worn keys will be replaced without charge. Original keys must be returned to the Facilities Key Shop.
    3. Replacement of lost/stolen keys or failure to return assigned keys will result in charges to the Department employing the person identified as the key holder. Facilities has set the following replacement costs for the various key levels:
      1. Type of Key Replacement Cost
        Room or Outside Door Key $10.00
        Building Sub-Master Key  $100.00
        Building Master Key $200.00
        Grand Master Key $1,000.00


    4. Lock changes required to maintain building security following lost or stolen key incidents are chargeable work orders. The Building Supervisor, Dean, Director, Department Chair or Key Manager will notify the Facilities Service Center to have their locks rekeyed and security reestablished.
    5. Students who fail to return keys will be subject to the same restrictions and penalties as students who fail to honor their financial obligations to the University.
    6. Deans, Directors or Department Chairs acknowledge keys issued by their key manager and lost or not returned could result in a charge to their department to restore security.
    1. All unclassified, classified and OPS employees will be issued keys needed to access office and/or work areas.
    2. All key requests must be be made using the online request form at https://www.facilities.fsu.edu/requests/keyLockShop
    3. Key requests will be filled the next business day. All key requests must be before 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to ensure next day pickup. Note: Requests made during the beginning of the semester can result in a delay of 3 - 5 days.
    4. Facilities will maintain employee key records in its Key Shop database. The Key Shop will provide Key Managers/Security Access Representatives with reports of key records grouped by department as requested, and will work with the Key Managers/Security Access Representatives to maintain the accuracy of these records as changes occur.
    5. For short term or temporary building access, Departments may retain duplicate check-out keys in a secured area (lockable box or cabinet). Responsibility for the security of these keys, as well as establishing a sign-out procedure to track the location of the keys, remains with the department. These temporary key storage areas will be subject to audit by the Facilities Key Shop personnel. These keys must be issued to a person who will be responsible for their use and safekeeping.
    6. The person being assigned a key must pick up the key in person. Only under extreme circumstances will there be exceptions to this rule.
    7. All keys must be picked up from the Facilities Key Shop within thirty (30) days or the request is void and a new request will need to be done before a key can be issued.
    8. Replacement requests for lost or stolen keys are submitted by the Key Manager/Security Access Representative using the online request form at https://www.facilities.fsu.edu/requests/keyLockShop/.  Keys will be replaced when a copy of a University Police report has been emailed to Facilities Key Shop. The department will be charged for replacement keys.
    1. University keys are returned when employees terminate campus employment, retire, resign, transfer departments, or change room assignments. A KEY RECEIPT will be issued by the Key Shop when the keys are returned. The employee termination checklist sheet must be signed by the Key Shop before employee terminates employment.
    2. Rekeying of a building or group of rooms may result in employees being required to exchange an old key for a new one. Departmental Key Managers/Security Access Representatives will assume responsibility for collecting old keys before employees receive new keys. Old keys should be returned to Key Shop for receipt.
    1. Key Requests Requests for keys are submitted by using the online request form at https://www.facilities.fsu.edu/requests/keyLockShop/. All requests must be made by appropriate Key Manager/Security Access Representative. The Key Shop will approve all key requests.
    2. Key Returns Returns of University keys are documented by the Facilities Key Shop in the form of a receipt issued when the key is returned. Employees transferring departments, moving to a new office/workspace or leaving the University will return all keys to the Facilities Key Shop and a receipt will be issued to the key holder.
    3. Key Transfers : With prior verbal approval of the Facilities Key Shop, keys may be transferred from one employee to another if keys are returned and verified by the Facilities Key Shop and then signed out by the new key holder.
    4. New Locks and Lock Change Requests Any situation that requires rekeying is a chargeable work request. Lost/stolen keys, departmental moves and remodels are examples of when locks need to be changed. Changes are called in to the Facilities Service Center. Charges for rekeying will be billed to the department.
    5. Contractor Key Agreement Form - (Attachment A) University keys will be signed out on a temporary basis to contractors working on campus projects. Keys needed will be determined by the Project Manager and supplied by the Facilities Key Shop. Key information will be recorded on a CONTRACTOR KEY AGREEMENT FORM and the signature of the contractor will be obtained when keys are delivered to him/her. The contractor is responsible for reestablishing security if the keys are not returned to the Facilities Key Shop.
    1. Facilities will keep records of keys issued for all University employees. Key Managers/Security Access Representatives will maintain key records for their buildings and/or departments. Facilities will maintain a security software system which will record building key data and employee key records. Reports will be generated by the Facilities Key Shop as requested by Key Managers/Security Access Representatives.
  8. AUDIT
    1. Facilities will periodically perform physical inventories of keys, including department lock boxes. Keys found missing at that time will be subject to charges as listed in section E.
    1. No keys are issued to any Electronic Access Control doors to include Locknetics card locks, FSUCard readers, and FSU biometric readers. Keys will only be issued to electronically controlled doors for designated police officers and locksmiths. All building perimeter doors will be secured by either key or centralized Access Control System components. (See ITS Access & Control Security Policies.) All requests for exceptions to this rule must be submitted in writing to the FSU Police Chief or his/her designee.
    2. Students, faculty and staff are required to maintain an FSUCard for access; it is their responsibility to maintain their active status. Contractors, vendors and volunteers must have a Facilities Contractor Card and apply for access through the sponsoring department's Security Access Representative.
    3. Building administrators and Key Managers will ensure that all building users have valid FSUCards and appropriate clearance and access for their areas.
    4. The propping of electronically controlled or monitored doors is not permitted except with prior notification and approval of the FSU Security Coordinator within the Information Technology Services.
    5. Tampering with or attempting to bypass security on an electronically controlled or monitored door in any way, including but not limited to key bypass, propping, taping and/or dogging, is prohibited.
    6. If a card is damaged or not working, it is the responsibility of the Department's Security Access Representative to investigate all access problems while maintaining compliance with the University's policies.
    7. The Departmental Security Access Representative has the overall responsibility of ensuring that the building users are using the electronic access control system. Reported and uncorrected violations of this and other security policies resulting in unauthorized entries to buildings or false alarms will be investigated and corrective actions taken including, but not limited to, termination of access.
    8. The Departmental Security Access Representative is responsible for notifying the FSU Security Coordinator and the Facilities Key Shop to terminate or transfer access.
    1. No lock may be installed on a University building or property without prior approval of the Facilities Key Shop. Locks installed without prior approval will be removed at the Department's expense.