4-OP-E-10 Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP)

Responsible Executive:​ Vice President for Finance and Administration

Approving Official: Vice President for Finance & Administration

Effective Date: April 29, 2019

Last Revision Date: New Policy

    1. The changing threat environment and recent emergencies affecting higher education institutions, including acts of nature, accidents, technological emergencies, and human perpetrated acts of violence, have increased the need for COOP capabilities that enable agencies to continue their essential functions across a broad spectrum of emergencies.
    2. COOP planning is simply a "good business practice" and a fundamental responsibility of agencies as responsible and reliable public institutions.
    1. It is the policy of Florida State University to have in place a comprehensive and effective program to ensure continuity of essential University functions under all circumstances. As a baseline of preparedness for the full range of potential emergencies, all University units as identified by the Emergency Management Division shall have in place a viable plan, which details the performance of their essential functions during any emergency or situation that may disrupt normal operations.
    2. These COOP plans shall be submitted to the Emergency Management Division by the last day of April each year, in a format approved by the Division, and shall address at a minimum the following areas:
      1. A risk assessment and vulnerability analysis;
      2. Preparedness and mitigation activities including procedures for employees who perform pre-event activities or shut down critical operations;
      3. Operational procedures for incident management;
      4. Direction and control including authorities of key personnel and the chain-of-command;
      5. Communications systems that will be used to keep employees, on-duty and off-duty, informed of response activities, to coordinate employees in order to carry out departmental missions, to keep in contact with customers and suppliers, and to coordinate with the Campus EOC.
      6. Life safety procedures including employee alert and notification, assembly and accountability, evacuation procedures, employee preparedness and welfare;
      7. Protection of facilities, equipment, supplies and vital records;
      8. Recovery and restoration of services including employee support, critical asset repair/replacement, and the continuity of operations;
      9. Operating procedures for documenting departmental emergency personnel, equipment, services, and material expenditures and for their recovery or reimbursement from applicable sources;
      10. Public Information;
      11. Administration and logistics.
    1. 4-OP-E-5 Emergency Management
    2. 4-OP-H-10 Information Technology Disaster Recovery and Backup Data Policy
    3. Chapter 252.365, Florida Statutes (Emergency Management)
    4. Regulation 3.001 Campus Emergency Management, Florida Board of Governors