4-OP-C-7-D Hiring and Compensation

Responsible Executive: Finance and Administration

Approving Official: Vice President of Finance and Administration

Effective Date: January 1, 2014

Last Revision Date: Unrevised at this time.


  • Unless otherwise specified in the collective bargaining agreement, the provisions set forth in this policy are applicable to the Executive Service (AEX), Administrative and Professional (A&P) and University Support Personnel System (USPS) pay plans.
  • The President has delegated the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) the responsibility for salary administration to ensure adherence to University rules and policies and Federal Law.
  • In accordance with regulations and policies approved by the University Board of Trustees, the President, or designee, has been delegated appointing authority for the University. The President, or designee, may also consider and grant pay increases at any time, subject to budgetary guidelines and consistent with applicable laws and policies. Additional University practices outlined by the Board of Trustees and/or the President may apply.
  • Employees shall be paid in accordance with policies herein and governing statutes and rules.


Responsible Executive:​ Finance and Administration

Approving Official: Vice President of Finance and Administration

Effective Date: August 23, 2018

Last Revision Date: Readopted 1/1/2014

    1. This policy applies to all Administrative and Professional (A&P), Executive Service (AEX), and University Support Personnel System (USPS) employees. These Policies and Procedures are supplemental to and complement the University regulations.
    2. The Chief Human Resources Officer is delegated by the President with responsibility for administration of appointment and compensation practices to ensure adherence to Federal law, Florida Statutes, and University regulations.
    1. The original appointment and compensation of employees will be based upon their qualifications, competition in the job market, and available salary rate. Compensation shall be within the salary ranges established by the University.
      1. These procedures provide guidance for determining original appointment/compensation for Executive Service (AEX), Administrative and Professional (A&P), and University Support Personnel System (USPS) employees.
          1. Upon appointment to an A&P position, an employee will be given one of the following statuses: regular, provisional, acting, or visiting.
          2. Upon appointment to an USPS position, an employee will be given one of the following statuses: probationary, emergency, trainee, or temporary.
          3. An Executive Service employee serves at the will of the University President. Appointment is normally at 1.00 FTE, but may not be less than .5 FTE.
          4. NOTE: Provisional/Trainee status must be requested by the department in writing and approved by the Office of Human Resources, Employment & Recruitment Services before making a formal offer to the employee. When appointing an employee in provisional or trainee status due to a delay of verification of education, the ending date should be identified as ninety (90) days from date of appointment. Standard procedure for appointing in regular status should be followed once verification is received. Duration of visiting, temporary, acting, and emergency appointments is limited in accordance with 4-OP-C-7-B2.
          5. NOTE: The decision to count temporary or emergency service toward completion of the probationary period shall be made by the hiring department in consultation with the Office of Human Resources, Employee & Labor Relations at the time of the regular status job offer. This should be noted in the official offer letter.
          1. A salary range for new hires (internal and external) shall be recommended through an analysis, conducted by the Office of Human Resources, Compensation Services, of the job code salary range of current employees within the same job code and the external market. Established salary ranges and quartiles within the campus-wide job code salary range shall be used as control points after verification of internal and external salary benchmarks by Human Resources.
          2. Departments should partner with Compensation Services when monitoring internal salary consistency or conducting periodic reviews of employee compensation to identify any potential concerns. Salary inconsistencies as identified by the department should be brought to Compensation Services for consultation and assistance in developing a plan to proactively address these issues as required by federal law. This will include compensation issues that cannot be explained by job related responsibilities, business necessity, and other non-discriminatory factors as verified by Human Resources.
            1. Internal candidates hired into an advertised position where the move is considered by Compensation Services to be a lateral move (e.g. same job classification) will not receive an increase in pay unless Compensation Services determines the job requires increased responsibilities as documented in the position description or the candidate’s knowledge, skills, and abilities are unique and critical to the position. This would be applicable at all levels of approval.
            2. Internal candidates hired into an advertised position where the move is considered by Compensation Services to be competitive advancement should receive salary consideration similar to that of an external candidate, as validated through Human Resources compensation tools. Competitive advancement is defined as competing for a higher level advertised position that would be considered an increase in responsibilities compared to what the employee is currently performing.
            3. If the proposed candidate is a non-U.S. citizen seeking H or J visa status, consult with Compensation Services and the Center for Global Engagement on prevailing and actual wage determinations.
            4. Approvals, as outlined below, may require the New Hire Salary/Appointment Explanation Form:
              1. To hire a person for an A&P or USPS position within the 1st quartile of the job code salary range: Approval for a new hire (internal or external) will be at the discretion of the hiring manager for a salary being offered from the minimum of the job code salary range up to the beginning of the 2nd quartile of the job code salary range. For new hires (internal and external), salary shall be recommended by the hiring manager through analyses conducted by Compensation Services, including an analysis of the job code salary range of current employees within the same job code and the external market.
              2. To hire a person for an A&P or USPS position at the beginning of the 2nd quartile through the end of the 3rd quartile of the job code range:
                1. Approval for a new hire (internal or external) will require the approval of a division’s higher level manager (above original hiring manager as determined by division) for a salary being offered from the beginning of the 2nd quartile through the end of the 3rd quartile of the job code range. Salary offers above the median may require additional approvals and justifications. For new hires (internal and external), salary shall be recommended by the hiring manager through analyses conducted by Compensation Services, including an analysis of the job code salary range of current employees within the same job code and the external market.
              3. To hire a person for an A&P or USPS position at the beginning of the 4th quartile through the maximum of the job code salary range:
                1. Approval for a new hire (internal or external) will require Vice President or designee approval for a salary being offered from the beginning of the 4th quartile through the maximum of the job code salary range. For new hires (internal and external), salary shall be recommended by the hiring manager through analyses conducted by Compensation Services, including an analysis of the job code salary range of current employees within the same job code and the external market.
              4. All salary requests to hire an internal candidate for a position that is in the same job classification or the same pay band as the applicant’s current job will be reviewed by Compensation Services. If the new job does not require increased levels of responsibilities as documented in the position description or the candidate does not possess unique or critical knowledge, skill, and ability relevant to the position, the hire will result in a lateral move (e.g. same job classification or in-band with same level of responsibility) and there should be no expectation of additional pay.
              5. Additional approvals may be required for any compensation level as set by the respective division.
            5. An A&P employee given provisional status must be paid at ten percent (10%) below the minimum of the job code salary range at the time of hire. If the training period will be six months or less, the employee may be paid at five percent (5%) below the minimum of the job code salary range at the time of hire. Provisional status shall not last more than one year, not to exceed 50% of the total required minimum experience qualification for the classification. In accordance with FLSA regulations, the salary for A&P exempt employees may not be below the current salary threshold for exemption set by FSU and the Department of Labor. When the employee has acquired sufficient training and experience to meet the minimum qualifications of the position, their rate of pay may be increased to the minimum of the job code salary range. Salaries for provisional appointments made as a result of the delay of verification of education will not be affected.
            6. A USPS employee given trainee status must be paid at ten percent (10%) below the minimum of the job code salary range at the time of hire. If the training period will be six (6) months or less the employee may be paid at five percent (5%) below the minimum of the job code salary range at the time of hire. A trainee status shall not last more than one year, not to exceed 50% of the total required minimum experience qualification for the classification. When the employee has acquired sufficient training and experience to meet the minimum qualifications of the position, their rate of pay may be increased to the minimum of the job code salary range. The hourly rate must not be below the federal and state minimum wage. In accordance with FLSA regulations, the salary for USPS exempt employees may not be below the current salary threshold for exemption set by FSU and the Department of Labor.
            7. USPS employees given an emergency status appointment who do not meet the minimum qualifications must be paid at ten percent (10%) below the minimum of the job code salary range at the time of hire. The hourly salary must not be below the federal and state minimum wage.
        3. SIGN-ON BONUS
          1. This clause has been superseded by 4-OP-C-7-B Employment & Recruitment - Recruiting Incentives on April 29, 2019
          1. AEX and A&P: The contract of employment (Contract) for AEX and A&P employees is between The Florida State University Board of Trustees (University) and the employee. The Contract is subject to Federal and State Laws and University regulations, policies, and procedures. Neither the Contract nor any action or commitment taken pursuant to it is final or binding upon the parties until, and unless, the signature of the University President, Vice President, or Representative as approving authority, and the signature of the employee have been affixed.

            The AEX and A&P contracts create no expectancy of employment beyond the terms stated therein. Furthermore, the Contract may be voided by either party with proper notice as provided by University Regulations. Employment is subject to satisfactory performance of assigned duties and may be terminated for cause as provided by the Regulations of the University.

            The A&P Appointment Letter must also be signed by the supervisor or designee and employee.
          2. USPS: The USPS Appointment Letter must be signed by the supervisor or designee and the employee. The USPS Time Limited Appointment Letter must be completed if appointed to a USPS soft money funded position, unless otherwise approved by the CHRO.

            NOTE: Notwithstanding the notice provisions as provided by the Regulations of the University and the employment contract, employment will cease on the date indicated and no further notice of cessation of employment is required for the following employees: (a) Employees holding visiting, acting, or provisional appointments, or (b) Employees appointed for less than one (1) year, or (c) Employees who are funded by Contract and Grant, Auxiliaries, or Local Funds (i.e., "Soft Money"). However, departments must contact Employee & Labor Relations before ending any appointments of A&P employees. Additionally, information regarding contract cancellations for A&P employees is found in OP-C-7-G9.

            NOTE: Contact Employment & Recruitment Services for assistance regarding Executive Service appointments and associated contract administration.
          1. A final candidate is required to complete the onboarding process and furnish documents required by law or by University policy. If the candidate is a non-U.S. citizen, they must furnish a copy of immigration documents. All AEX, A&P, and USPS positions require successful completion of a criminal history background check. The background check will be conducted as authorized and in accordance with University Policy 4-OP-C-7-B11.For certain positions, drug tests, examinations, and credentials (e.g., a degree, certifications, licensure, etc.) may be required.
          2. After the recruitment and selection period has been completed, to include: advertisement; applicant screening by Employment & Recruitment Services; interviews; pre-employment checks (i.e., reference checks, criminal history background check, salary approval, etc.); verifications of credentials; and final selection, the department should take the following actions:
            1. Use the Payroll Calendar to assist with determining an appropriate start date and corresponding payroll deadline.
            2. Verify the candidate’s employment eligibility, to include U.S. citizenship or ensure that appropriate immigration requirements are met. (Reference Immigration Form I-9 and 4-OP-C-7-B5 Non-Citizen Employment)
            3. Obtain New Hire Salary/Appointment Explanation Form, if required based on Compensation Policy outlined above. The New Hire Salary/Appointment Explanation Form is also required for emergency, temporary, trainee, provisional, acting, and visiting status appointments. However, if the employee's salary will be below the minimum of the job code range based upon appointment status (emergency, provisional, trainee) complete the New Hire Salary/Appointment Explanation Form and submit to –Employment & Recruitment Services for endorsement before extending an offer of employment.
            4. If filling an advertised position, complete the OMNI e-recruit process to include: interview evaluations, disposition codes, pre-employment checklist, and job offer.
            5. Reference the Appointment Papers Matrix and checklists for all documents required based on the appointment type.

              NOTE: Appointment paperwork and OMNI job offers should be submitted to Human Resources before the appointment date and by the appropriate payroll deadline. Personnel Actions submitted to Human Resources more than 20 days after the effective date must include a justification for the late submission of appointment paperwork.

              NOTE: If the action involves an overlap appointment, reference 4-OP-C-7-D3 Overlap.
  • The President holds delegated authority from the Board of Trustees to establish personnel policies. Constitutional authority, state statutes, federal statutes, Florida Board of Governors regulations, and University regulations authorize the policy:
    • Florida Constitution Article IX, Section 7;
    • Section 1001.706(6)(a), F.S.;
    • Florida Board of Governors Regulation 1.001(5)(a); Florida State University Board of Trustees Regulations FSU-4.001; Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S. Code Chapter 8.
  • This policy shall be reviewed by the Chief Human Resources Officer every seven years for its effectiveness. The Office of Human Resources shall make recommendations to the Vice President for Finance and Administration for any modification or elimination.




  • This procedure provides guidance for paying two (2) employees from the same funded position, for overlap purposes.


  1. Prior to submitting the overlap appointment, lapse money must be available and approved for all funded positions, including E&G.
  2. Overlap appointments are reviewed by Human Resources, Employment and Recruitment Services to verify that the appointment meets one of the following criteria:
    1. Overlap for the purpose of training one employee to take over the duties of another, who is vacating the position. This type of appointment may be approved up to thirty (30) days.
    2. Overlap for the purpose of performing the duties of an employee who has been placed on leave with or without pay. This type of appointment may be approved up to six (6) months.
  3. An employee may not be placed in an overlap situation more than once in a twelve (12) month period unless approved by the Chief Human Resources Officer or designee.
  4. The Chief Human Resources Officer or designee, with appropriate written justification must approve overlap appointments for periods longer than those stated above.


  • To initiate an overlap appointment the department must:
    1. Complete the Salary/Appointment Explanation form or memo and include; position number, department number, budget entity, length of overlap, and period amount.
    2. Reference the appropriate procedure that applies to the type of appointment being processed - (4-OP-C-7-D1) Original Appointment/Compensation for USPS and A&P Employees, (4-OP-C-7-D6) Promotion, or (4-OP-C-7-D8) Demotion, (4-OP-C-7-D9) Change In Assignment (Reassignment) and Transfers. (Briefly explain the reason for overlap in the comments section on the job offer.)
    3. Submit all documents through the appropriate approval authority to Employment, Human Resources, for endorsement at least one (1) to two (2) weeks prior to the effective date.

      NOTE: If the overlap request is endorsed the appointment documents will be forwarded to Employee Data Management for processing. Should the overlap request not be found in compliance with the University guidelines the department will be contacted.



  • Positions may be designated eligible for certain pay additives, such as lead worker position, shift differential, lead/asbestos abatement. These procedures provide guidance in establishing such designation.
    1. Lead Worker - If a position is one (1) of three (3) or more USPS positions in the same class or a different class with the same pay grade located in the same work unit, one (1) of the positions may be assigned lead worker duties, provided:
      • The assigned directive and/or coordinating duties and responsibilities are limited in scope, and are in addition to the normal duties and responsibilities of the position. Lead worker duties involve performing limited supervisory responsibilities such as approving leave, distributing work, maintaining a balanced workload among employees, keeping records, defining work priorities, etc. Lead worker duties do not include administering performance appraisals or disciplinary actions.
      • The additional responsibilities do not justify classification action of the position to a supervisory class.
      • The affected work unit is geographically separated from the main work unit to such an extent that the normal direct supervision could not reasonably be provided.

        NOTE: Assignment of Lead Worker duties cannot be used to create an intermediate level of supervision.
    2. Asbestos Abatement Activities/Lead Abatement Activities - Abatement activity, certification and training must be documented on the position description or via an addendum to the position description. Appropriate pay additive percentages may be provided to the incumbent as abatement tasks are performed or may be placed on the base rate of pay when such activities are performed on a regular basis.
    3. On-Call Status - A position may be designated eligible for on-call pay when the incumbent is required to be accessible and available to return to work during normally off-duty hours.
    4. Shift Differential - A majority of a position's scheduled working hours must fall within the evening (between 6 PM and 12 AM) or night shift (between 12 AM and 6 AM), unless otherwise agreed to in a collective bargaining unit, to be eligible for shift differential pay.
    5. Biohazard Clean-up - This pay additive is not position based. Biohazard Clean-up activities are voluntary and performed in addition to regular job duties or on a call back basis. Eligibility is for USPS or OPS hourly employees and requires OSHA training, Tetanus and Hepatitis A vaccine series. A Personnel Action Form (either ePAF, or pPAF) is used to document additive eligibility in the HR-Payroll system. Initiation of compensation for work/project is accomplished through documentation on the biweekly Time & Labor report, approved by the supervisor, and entered into the OMNI HR- Payroll system. (see also 4-OP-C-7-D4 Pay Additives).


  1. Lead Worker Position Designation
    1. If Lead Worker duties are assigned to a position, an updated position description shall be prepared and processed in the same manner as a standard update (see above). For Lead Worker pay additives, refer to Hiring and Compensation Procedures OP-C-7-D. Classification Analysts will review the request and determine compliance with the criteria. If there is an incumbent in the position, and the department chooses to provide a Lead Worker pay additive, it should be so noted on the PMAP. This form will be forwarded to initiate changes in the OMNI HR-Payroll system and to document an employee's official personnel records.
  2. On-call Pay
    1. The department shall inform the employee, by memorandum of the on-call assignment, except during an emergency. The instructions must include the times and dates the employee is to remain available to work the off-duty period, the stipulation that the employee is to remain in a fixed location or leave word where they may be reached by telephone or by a signaling device, and that the employee be available to return to the work location on short notice to perform assigned duties. (Reference (OP-C-7-E1) Attendance and Leave for Call-Back procedures.)
    2. An employee may not receive on-call pay at the same time he or she is receiving sick pay since it is presumed that the employee would be unable to report to work when ill. However, an employee may remain on call while on paid leave for vacation, personal holiday, or designated holiday. Once an employee reports to work, on-call pay stops. An employee may not receive payment for working and on-call for the same hours. The total hours may not exceed 24 hours in a given day except in the case of a designated holiday or in the event an employee is required to remain on call while on paid leave for vacation or personal holiday.
  3. Pay Additive Position Designations
    1. Appropriate pay additive eligibility designations will be applied in accordance with the position description when it is established. If job duties, working hours, on-call status, or abatement assignments change, the department should submit an updated position description or addendum to Classification. Biohazard clean-up pay is handled through the appointment process and OMNI time and leave entry.



  • The University is committed to compliance with applicable Federal and State statutes in the dual employment of a State employee and the payment of extra compensation.


  • Fair Labor Standard Act, as amended in 2004, (FLSA)
  • Florida Statutes Section 216.262(1)(d)


  • This procedure is to specify the methods, responsibilities, and accountability of employees and departments in the dual employment of University employees and the payment of extra compensation to those persons.
    1. GENERAL
      • University employees may request employment with more than one department within the University, which constitutes dual employment and compensation, provided such employment does not interfere with the regular work of the employee for the primary employer and does not result in any conflict of interest between the activities.
      • Approval must be requested and granted prior to appointment and/or the performance of any work with any additional department.
      • Approval must be obtained for each period of appointment during which the employee is to receive dual compensation.
      • This procedure shall not be used for the purpose of avoiding the payment of overtime as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act.
      • If the primary employment is FLSA exempt, the secondary employment would not be subject to the overtime pay rate.
      • Job duties that directly contribute to the educational mission of the University are considered the primary appointment.
      • If the primary employment is FLSA non-exempt, both the secondary and primary employment would be subject to the overtime pay rate.
      • The overtime rate does not apply if any of the following conditions exist.
        • --If both the primary and secondary jobs are exempt.
        • --If either job is exempt and equates 50% or more of both jobs' total FTE.
      • When the dual employment and compensation is within the University and the overtime pay requirements apply, the pay will be calculated by the Online Management of Networked Information (OMNI) system using the calculated FLSA rate.
      1. Employee:
        1. The employee must advise the secondary University department(s) of their employment with another University department.
        2. The employee is responsible for the full and competent performance of all duties pertinent to their primary employment and, if dual employment is accepted, that it will not interfere or conflict with the employee's regularly assigned duties, that it will not be performed during the primary employment working hours, and that the secondary duties to be performed are not a part of their primary assignment.
      2. Secondary Employing Department:
        1. The University department offering the secondary employment must determine if a dual employment and compensation situation will exist prior to hiring the employee. If so, the department offering the secondary appointment is responsible for securing approval.
        2. The University department offering the secondary employment is responsible for FLSA compliance, to include the liability of overtime pay.
        3. The University department offering the secondary employment is responsible for initiating the request on the FSU Dual Compensation Request/Approval form, to include acquiring approval of the secondary employment by the employee's primary employing department.
        4. When the secondary employment is Contract and Grant funded, the request must be approved by the Office of Sponsored Research Accounting before appropriate authorized final approval is given.
      3. Primary and Secondary Employing Department Authorized Approving Authorities:
        1. Ensures that the requested action(s) is justified as being in the best interests of the University and the State.
        2. Ensures the requested action(s) is in compliance with applicable federal and state laws, regulations and rules.
        3. The approving authority for the primary employer must first approve the request establishing that the secondary employment will not be in conflict with the primary employment and that the primary employer's time and equipment will not be used in the performance of the secondary employment function.
        4. The final approving authority for the secondary employer will review requests for required data completeness in order to determine the lack of a conflict of interest and if the FLSA overtime pay requirements apply. Incomplete requests will be returned to the initiating secondary employer for completion and resubmission.
        5. The final approval will be made by the authorized approving authority for the secondary employer. The final approval re-enforces the lack of conflict of interest and approves the salary rate in compliance with the FLSA.
      • Designated University final approving authorities are:
        1. The Chief Human Resources Officer, for University Support Personnel System (USPS), Administrative and Professional (A&P) and non-faculty OPS employees.
        2. The Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement for salaried and OPS Faculty personnel

          NOTE: When the secondary employment is Contract and Grant funded, the request must be approved by the Office of Sponsored Research Accounting before appropriate authorized final approval is given.
      1. When the University is both the primary and secondary employer, to compensate an employee for:

        Employment in excess of one (1) full-time equivalent (FTE) established position; or simultaneous payment from two (2) or more categories of state appropriations, i.e. salaries, other personal services (OPS) expenses, or employment in multiple departments the following procedures apply:
        1. The secondary employing department completes the FSU Dual Compensation Request/Approval form.
        2. The employee must sign the request form.
        3. The primary employing department head or designee and the Chief Human Resources Officer, or designee, or the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement or designee, as applicable, must approve the request.
        4. The secondary employing department head or designee must approve the request.
        5. If applicable, the Office of Sponsored Research Accounting must approve the request.
        6. The Chief Human Resources Officer or the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement, as applicable as authorized approval authorities, must provide final approval.
        7. After all signatures have been obtained, the original request shall be returned to the secondary employing department, a copy will be retained by the final secondary approving authority.
        8. The original approved request must be attached to and submitted with the Personnel Action Form to appoint the employee to the secondary job.
      2. When the University is the primary employer and the employee is employed outside the University:
        1. The Florida State University Statement Concerning Outside Employment form is to be completed and submitted to Human Resources.
        2. The secondary employment will be processed consistent with the secondary employer's requirements.



  • A promotional increase may be considered when an employee is hired into a different role/classification with increased responsibilities in a higher pay band (competitive advancement) or when an employee’s current position is reclassified due to significant increases in duties that exceed the current job description specification (non-competitive advancement).


  • BOG Regulation 1.001(3)(j), 1.001(5)(a)


  • These procedures provide guidance for applying a promotional increase.


  • An employee must meet minimum qualifications for a promotion resulting from a vacancy or reclassification. The employee must be determined eligible for the job code prior to the action being processed.
  • An employee being promoted may receive a salary increase within budget constraints and consistent with rules and applicable laws and policies. Compensation shall be within the salary ranges established by the University, not to exceed the maximum of the job code salary range. An USPS employee who is promoted to another USPS position is required to serve a probationary period of six (6) months in the different job classification (one year for Law Enforcement Personnel). However, this period may be extended if the employee is given a Below Performance Standards performance evaluation during the probationary period. If the employee previously held regular status in the new classification, he/she would retain their regular status in the classification.
    1. Competitive Advancement: For promotional appointments where an employee has competitively applied and is hired into a different role/classification with increased level of responsibilities, refer to the Compensation Matrix, the New Hire Salary/Appointment Explanation Form, and OP-C-7-D1 for associated appointing procedures. Necessary endorsements and approvals are required prior to notifying the employee of the promotion.
    2. Non-Competitive Advancement: For promotional increases where an employee’s position is reclassified to a different role/classification with a documented increased level of responsibilities that exceeds the current job classification, refer to the Compensation Matrix and the following procedures:

      When a position reclassification results in a promotion (non-competitive advancement), the criteria for promotion should include exceptional performance of duties in the employee's present position.
      1. Pending the availability of funds, a salary increase may be applied to the base rate of pay. Promotional increases must be consistent with past pay practices. Increases at or above 10% require VP Approval. Additional approval requirements and salary determination may vary by Division. During times of budget constraints, promotional increases may be approved as less than recommended or requested. Necessary endorsements and approvals are required prior to notifying the employee of the promotion.
      2. Use the Payroll Calendar to assist with determining the appropriate start date and corresponding payroll deadline.
      3. Following the appropriate approval process, submit the electronic transaction reflecting the increased responsibilities and proposed salary for appointment and rate approval to Human Resources.

        NOTE: When a position reclassification results in a promotion that crosses pay plans (USPS to A&P), the employee must sign a voluntary reclassification statement in advance of the action effective date. Contact Employee and Labor Relations for guidance.

        NOTE: If a current employee is promoted and appointed in provisional or trainee status, and his/her current salary is at or above the current job code minimum, one-half of the promotional increase may be given at the time of promotion and one-half upon completion of provisional/trainee status. Intent should be documented in writing at the time of appointment.

        NOTE: If the action involves an overlap appointment, reference 4-OP-C-7-D3 Overlap. If the employee is eligible for a pay additive, reference 4-OP-C-7-D4 Pay Additives for USPS employees.

4-OP-C-7-D7 Employee Bonus Plan  (See also 4-OP-C-7-A3.7)

Responsible Executive: Finance and Administration

Approving Official: Vice President of Finance and Administration

Effective Date: Approval of BOG 9.015 (scheduled November 4, 2021); Approved by FSU BOT 9-24-21

Last Revision Date: 9/24/21


  • This policy provides guidance on awarding individual bonus or incentive payments to recruit and retain employees and to reward superior work performance.
  • Eligible categories of employees include Faculty, Executive Service (AEX), Administrative and Professional (A&P), and University Support Personnel System (USPS). Employees must be active and in good standing with the University at the time a bonus payment is made.


  • Departments may provide a salaried employee a one-time monetary award (bonus) as an incentive to recruit and retain key talent or to reward employee work performance.
    1. Recruitment
      Offered to prospective employees who possess skills, experience, and/or qualifications that are in high market demand or are highly specialized. May also be used to recruit for a position that would otherwise be difficult to fill. The amount of the recruitment bonus may not exceed 15% of the employee’s base salary. A recruitment bonus request that exceeds the 15% threshold may be awarded only after approval by the President or designee. See also Policy 4-OP-C7-B12 Recruiting Incentives.
    2. Retention
      Offered to a current employee possessing valuable or unique knowledge, skills, or abilities that are deemed critical to the mission of the University in order to retain key talent. May be used to acknowledge successful completion of career development, professional training, or certification  programs that are beneficial to the University and the employee. The amount of the retention incentive is dependent on the nature and complexity of the role, as well as the availability of funds. The amount of this incentive may not exceed 15% of the employee’s base salary. A retention bonus request that exceeds the 15% threshold may be awarded only after approval by the President or designee.
    3. Work Performance
      Recognizes and rewards employees for exceptional performance and contributions over a specified period of time. Frequently awarded for the completion of a special project or assignment going beyond an employee’s regularly assigned duties. These may include, but are not limited to, the following:
      • Contributions that substantially advance the initiatives of the department, division, college, or University and are typically project-based.
      • Extraordinary efforts during times of critical need, such as achieving vital objectives or deliverables that could have negatively impacted operations or major projects.
      • Innovative work ideas that significantly improve operational efficiencies, workflow, or customer service and may include the introduction or modification of business practices.
    4. Incentive Program
      A department-specific program based on an approved plan with clearly defined objectives. These programs are used to recognize and reward employees for significant performance and contribution following a specified time-period based on pre-established goals. The incentive program must define eligible employees and be provided to FSU Human Resources in advance, with final approval for any such payments by the Chief Human Resources Officer. Faculty Practice Plans must operate in accordance with State University System of Florida Board of Governors Regulation 9.017 and are authorized upon approval by the Board of Trustees.
    5. Procedures
      When an employee's supervisor determines that a bonus may be warranted, an Additional Pay Form containing justification/documentation appropriate for the requested bonus type should be prepared and submitted. All bonus and incentive payments are subject to approval of the Chief Human Resources Officer or designee. The effective date of the increase will be the beginning of the pay period following the completion of the process. Requests to establish a new college or administrative unit incentive plan should be submitted to Compensation at HR-Compensation@fsu.edu.


  • Section 1012.978, F.S.
  • Florida Board of Governors Regulation 9.015
  • Florida State University Board of Trustees Regulations FSU-4.001
  • This policy shall be reviewed by the Chief Human Resources Officer every seven years for its effectiveness. The Office of Human Resources shall make recommendations to the Vice President for Finance and Administration for any modification.
  • Revisions to this policy require FSU BOT approval in accordance with Florida Statutes and BOG Regulation.



  • BOG Regulation 1.001(3)(j), 1.001(5)(a)


  • This procedure provides guidance for applying a demotion action.


  • An employee is given a demotion appointment when appointed to a class or position having less responsibility.
    1. A demotion may be necessary for a number of reasons including, but not limited to: abolishment of current position filled by the employee and the non-availability of a position at the same level; an employee's desire to move to a certain position; or the inability of an employee to satisfactorily perform in the current position.
    2. Generally, an employee must meet the minimum qualifications and be certified eligible for the class to which demoted.
    3. An employee who is demoted to a position with a lower pay range is subject to a salary decrease consistent with applicable rules and policies.
    4. An employee who is demoted shall receive pay commensurate with the responsibilities assigned. Demotion actions do not typically result in a salary increase. The demotion may be with or without a reduction in base rate of pay, but shall not exceed the maximum of the pay range to which appointed unless approved by the President.
    5. Upon demotion, a USPS employee's appointment shall be probationary status, trainee status, temporary status, or emergency status. However, if the employee previously held regular status in the class to which demoted, the demotion shall be with regular status.
    6. An employee who has not attained regular status in any class and is given a demotion appointment to a lower class shall not have the right to appeal the demotion.
    7. A classification change resulting in an assignment to a lower class and/or pay range cannot be appealed unless the salary is reduced.
    8. A classification change to a lower pay band is considered a demotion appointment.

      NOTE: The decision to count temporary or emergency service toward completion of the probationary period shall be made at the time the employee is initially appointed with probationary status.


  1. A voluntary demotion requires:
    1. The employee to:
      1. Complete and sign a voluntary demotion statement.
      2. Sign Time Limited USPS Appointment Letter if the position to which appointed is designated as time limited. (Applies to USPS positions, only)
    2. The Department to:
      1. Complete an ePaf (Electronic Personnel Action Form). In the Comments Section indicate Voluntary Demotion and reflect the departing department's name if transferring from another department. (Reference Omni HR Job Aid for ePaf processing instructions)
      2. Submit the statement and ePaf through the appropriate approval authority to Employee Data Management.
  2. Give the employee a copy of the ePaf, the current position description and other appropriate documents.
    1. NOTE: The voluntary demotion statement shall include: the amount of the decrease, or the total amount of the adjusted salary; the effective date of the adjusted salary; and notice of the employee's rights, if any, to seek review of the decision. The notice may be given by the affected employee's supervisor. Contact Employee and Labor Relations to execute a voluntary demotion.
    2. NOTE: If the action involves an overlap appointment, reference (4-OP-C-7-D3) Overlap. If the employee is eligible for a pay additive, reference (4-OP-C-7-D4) Pay Additives for USPS.
  3. For non-voluntary demotions, contact Employee and Labor Relations, Human Resources, for consultation prior to taking any action.



  • BOG Regulation 1.001(5)(a)
  • FSU Regulation FSU-4.001



  1. An A&P or USPS employee who is being given a change in assignment must meet the minimum qualifications for the class or position to which they are being appointed unless assigned to trainee, emergency, provisional, acting or visiting status.
  2. If a USPS employee who has not attained regular status in the current class receives a change in assignment to a different position in the same class, the employee's status remains the same until the probationary period designated for the class has been successfully completed.
  3. A USPS employee with or without regular status in the current class who receives a change in assignment to a different position in a different class shall be given probationary status in the new class if the employee meets the minimum qualifications for the position. However, if the employee previously held regular status in the class to which reassigned, the change in assignment shall be with regular status.
  4. An employee who has attained regular status in a class has the right to appeal a transfer unless such action is voluntary and a statement to that effect is signed by the employee.
  5. An employee who is given a change in assignment or transfer appointment shall not receive an increase in their base rate of pay except as provided in the Compensation Tools Section of these procedures.


  1. To reassign an employee to a different position and class within the same pay range, the Department must:
    1. Determine the employee's appointment status. (Generally, an employee should be certified eligible for a different class.)
    2. Complete ePaf. If employee is moving from another department, reflect the departing department name in the Comments Section. (Reference Omni HR Job Aid for ePaf processing instructions.)
    3. Have the employee sign a copy of the ePaf.
    4. Have employee sign Time Limited USPS Appointment Letter if the position to which appointed is designated as time limited. (Applies to USPS positions, only.)
    5. Give the employee a copy of the ePAF and the position description.
    6. Submit the ePAF through the appropriate approval authority to Employee Data Management.
  2. To assign an employee to a different position, but same class within the same pay range, the department must:
    1. Complete the Electronic Personnel Action Form (ePaf). If employee is moving from another department, reflect the departing department name in the Comments Section.
    2. Have the employee sign a copy of the ePaf.
    3. Have employee sign Time Limited USPS Appointment Letter if the position to which appointed is designated as time limited. (Applies to USPS positions, only.)
    4. Give the employee a copy of the ePaf, the current position description and other appropriate documents.
    5. Submit the ePAF through the appropriate approval authority to Employee Data Management.  

      NOTE: If the change in assignment is a demotion, the demotion procedures will apply.
  3. To transfer an employee, the department must:
    1. Complete and have employee sign voluntary transfer statement.
    2. Complete an Electronic Personnel Action Form (ePAF) to reflect the necessary changes. (Reference OMNI HR Job Aid for ePAF processing instructions.)
    3. Have the employee sign the PAF.
    4. Have employee sign Time Limited USPS Appointment Letter if the position to which appointed is designated as time limited. (Applies to USPS positions, only.)
    5. Give employee a copy of the PAF, the current position description and other appropriate documents.
    6. Submit the statement and PAF through the appropriate approval authority to Employee Data Management.

      NOTE: If employee is moving from one department to another, the former department should complete a Personnel Action Form and check Transfer to New Department in the Action Taken Section. (Do not check Separation Termination

      NOTE: If the action involves an overlap appointment, reference (4-OP-C-7-D3) Overlap. If the employee is eligible for a pay additive, reference (4-OP-C-7-D4) Pay Additives for USPS.



  • BOG Regulation 1.001(5)(a)
  • FSU Regulation FSU-4.001


  • This procedure provides guidance for processing funding changes, re-appointments and Full Time Equivalent (FTE) changes.


  • Prior to reducing an employee's FTE the department/ supervisor must contact Employee and Labor Relations, Human Resources.


  1. To change the position's funding account number and/or re-appoint an employee, the department must:
    1. Assure funding is available.
    2. Complete an Electronic Personnel Action Form (ePaf). (If a position is funded by Contracts and Grants funds, the actual ending date must be reflected in the budget section of the ePaf) (Reference OMNI HR Job Aid for ePaf processing instructions)
    3. Have the employee sign a copy of the ePaf.
    4. Submit the ePAF through the appropriate approval authority to Employee Data Management.  

      NOTE: Human Resources must approve any funding number changes that affect the transfer of a position between departments, prior to the PAF being submitted to Compensation.  

      NOTE: Personnel Action Forms for positions funded by Contracts and Grants must be approved by Sponsored Research Accounting prior to Human Resources approval. Electronic Personnel Action Forms are automatically forwarded to Sponsored Research Accounting Office if the Budget is Grant Funded.
  2. To reduce an employee's FTE
    1. The employee must:
      • Complete and sign a memorandum explaining they are taking a voluntary reduction in FTE and salary, if applicable unless approved otherwise by Employee and Labor Relations, Human Resources.
    2. The department must:
      1. Complete the Electronic Personnel Action Form (ePaf). (Reference OMNI HR Job Aid for ePaf processing instructions.)
      2. Submit employee's memorandum and ePaf through the appropriate approval authority to Employee Data Management.

        NOTE: If this is a permanent FTE change or a change due to lack of funding, the FTE must be changed for the position. Reference Classification, procedures for Amending a Position Description.

        NOTE: When reducing an employee's FTE, if the position is exempt the employee must meet the Fair Labor Standards Act Salary and Duties test. If position is FLSA exempt the reduction should not reduce the annual salary below $23,660. If salary after FTE reduction is below $23,660, the position must be reclassified to USPS non-exempt.
  3. To increase an employee's FTE, the department must:
    1. Assure the FTE for the position is the same or greater than the FTE being assigned to the employee.
    2. Assure funding is available for the increase in FTE.
    3. Complete the Electronic Personnel Action Form (ePaf). Reflect in Comments Section the FTE is increasing from what percentage to what percentage. (Reference OMNI HR Job Aid for ePaf processing instructions.)
    4. Have employee sign a copy of the ePaf.
    5. Submit the ePAF through the appropriate approval authority to Employee Data Management.

      NOTE: The FTE and funding must be changed for the position. Reference Classification, procedures for Amending a Position Description.



  • University Rule 6C-955


  • This procedure provides guidance for terminating employees from FSU employment.


  1. An employee who resigns, transfers to another University or State Agency, or retires from employment shall not have any rights of appeal.

    NOTE: All required forms should reflect the applicable separation action and distinguish between termination, transfer and retirement.

    NOTE: All salaried employees are eligible to continue insurance participation. Employees must contact Insurance and Benefits, Human Resources, for additional information and/or required forms.
  2. An Executive Service employee serves at the pleasure of the President and they may be terminated with sixty (60) days written notice.
  3. An unauthorized absence of three (3) or more consecutive days will result in abandonment of the position and considered resignation from the position.
  4. The President may dismiss an employee for just cause in accordance with the University rules, policies or procedures.
  5. USPS employees without regular status in any class may be separated from employment at any time without any requirements of notice or reason and without rights of appeal. USPS employees' time limited appointments are contingent upon funding of position. Employees assigned to this status neither gain retention points nor have layoff rights.
  6. An A&P employee whose appointment expires after receiving notice of non-renewal or non re-appointment or whose appointment expires without the requirement of a written notice or non re-appointment may be separated without further notice.
  7. A department should, generally, allow sufficient time for the employee and the University to complete steps necessary for issuance of the final paycheck, the processing of accrued leave payments and insurance and benefit arrangements. This can take two (2) to three (3) biweekly's after the ePAF and separation Checklist has been received by Human Resources. Sick Leave Payout generally takes six (6) to eight (8) biweekly's.
  8. Involuntary separations for reasons such as layoff or disciplinary actions should be coordinated through Employee/Labor Relations.


  1. Voluntary Termination:
    1. The employee should:
      1. Notify their supervisor in writing two (2) to three (3) weeks prior to their final workday. (Such notice will allow sufficient time for the University to fulfill its responsibilities to the employee, and for the employee to return all FSU property and pay all debts owed the University.)
      2. Contact the University Controller's Office to resolve the payment of any and all outstanding debts owed to the University before the employee's last workday.
      3. Return all FSU property before the employee's last workday.
    2. Upon notification of the anticipated termination of an employee, the employing department must:
      1. Respond in writing, acknowledging and accepting the resignation of the employee.
      2. Audit the employee's pay and leave records and leave system.
      3. Schedule an exit interview for the separating employee with Employee and Labor Relations, Benefits, Human Resources.
      4. Collect all FSU property issued to the employee and determine if all debts have been paid. Indicate the status on the Separating Checklist.
      5. Complete a separation Checklist.
      6. Complete an Electronic Personnel Action Form (ePaf). (Reference the OMNI HR Job Aid for ePaf processing instructions.)
      7. Submit the employee's letter of resignation, the supervisor's acknowledgment and acceptance letter, the completed Separation Checklist, and other appropriate documents to Employee Data Management in a timely manner.

        NOTE: Personnel Actions should be processed before the appointment date. Any Personnel Action submitted to Human Resources more than 20 days after the effective date must include a justification memo from the department head  

        NOTE: If ePAF does not meet the Personnel Payroll cutoff date for the appropriate biweekly in order to prevent salary overpayment, the department must enter on-line LWOP events (leave without pay) in the OMNI Leave System. This applies to USPS exempt and non-exempt and A&P employees.
  2. Contract cancellation without cause (non-unit A&P):
    1. The department must:
      1. Review existing employment contract to determine applicable dates for contract cancellation.
      2. Contact the Employee and Labor Relations Unit, Human Resources, for notice requirements and other appropriate action. No action should be taken prior to contacting Employee and Labor Relations.
  3. Retirement:
    1. Retiring employees should visit the Human Resources Department a minimum of 120 days before their retirement. This is not an automatic process and requires the employee to:
      1. Supply proof of age.
      2. Complete the State Division of Retirement application that may be obtained from the Human Resources Department.
      3. Arrange for continuation of insurance premium deductions from monthly retirement check.
      4. Write a notification to the supervisor at least two (2) to three (3) weeks prior to the employee's final workday. (Such notice will allow sufficient time for the University to fulfill its responsibilities to the employee, and for the employee to return all FSU property and pay all debts owed to the University.)
      5. Contact the University Controller's Office to resolve the payment of any and all outstanding debts owed to the University before the employee's last workday.
      6. Return all FSU property prior to last workday.
    2. Upon notification of the anticipated retirement of an employee, the employing department should:
      • Follow the procedures for Voluntary Termination, 4-OP-C-7-D11, C, 1.
  4. In the event of an employee's death:
    1. The department must:
      1. Notify Benefits, Human Resources, as soon as possible to coordinate the processing of benefits to the deceased employee's beneficiaries.
      2. Complete the separation Checklist to use as a control list for the return of property and payment of debts. The department formerly employing the deceased individual will, at an appropriate time, request the survivors to return any University property, keys, credit cards, books and make arrangements for settlement of any financial obligations to the University.
      3. Audit employee's pay and leave reports and leave system.
      4. Complete an Electronic Personnel Action Form and route through the appropriate approval authority to Employee Data Management. (Reference the OMNI HR Job Aid for ePaf processing instructions.)

        NOTE: A Personnel Action Form and separation Checklist must be received in Employee Data Management before final leave payout can be processed.

        NOTE: For separations due to Layoff, reference Layoff Procedures.

        NOTE: Official biweekly time and leave documents and records for all employees must be maintained by the department according to record retention guidelines.



Responsible Executive: Finance and Administration

Approving Official: Vice President of Finance and Administration

Effective Date: September 12, 2017

Last Revision Date: 1/14/2014, readopted

    1. Perquisites not normally provided to all employees shall be job or class related and documented to demonstrate that the approval of the perquisites is in the best interest of the University.
    1. This policy specifies the justification and procedures for furnishing items and/or services to individual employees in instances where such items or services are not normally provided to all employees.
        1. The University may furnish perquisites to certain employees who are required to use special equipment or wear certain clothing, such as safety shoes, uniforms and the like for purposes of safety or identification.
        2. Departments requiring employees to use such items will pay for the perquisites. Maintenance of perquisites may be paid from departmental funds (refer to departmental policy).
        3. After obtaining approval to provide a perquisite, departments will requisition all uniforms, equipment, and assorted items through the University’s Procurement Services Department (Procurement Services).
        4. Approval of a perquisite is secured through the Office of Human Resources (Human Resources) and the appropriate division vice president.
        5. Markings and Insignia. The contracting organization selected by Procurement Services will affix markings and insignia to uniforms. Other attachments, markings, or identification will not be permitted. The University department requiring uniforms will coordinate the assignment of colors for uniforms and has final approval of the choice of colors.
        6. Cleaning of Uniforms. The method of cleaning uniforms is determined by department policy. The University department and contracting organization will establish replacement, pickup, and delivery schedules in conjunction with the department furnishing uniforms to employees. The department furnishing uniforms to employees will provide space within its facilities for the temporary storage of uniforms awaiting pickup and delivery.
        7. Wearing of Uniforms. Uniforms will be worn during working hours as specified by department policy. Uniforms may be worn to and from work at the discretion of the department or division head, but are otherwise not to be worn while off duty. If an employee is required to change into uniform before beginning work or to change back into personal clothing before leaving work, the time required will be included in time worked. Employees will be responsible for adhering to departmental policies and procedures for cleaning uniforms. Uniforms will be returned to the issuing department when an employee terminates employment. Failure on the part of the employee to do so will result in the employee being charged for the uniform(s). The charges will be at the depreciated value plus $1.00 per set or part thereof. All emblems and insignia must be removed from any uniform(s) or parts not returned.
          1. Uniforms for new employees will be ordered only after the employee has been on the payroll for 30 days.
          2. Used uniforms will be utilized when possible for new employees, or destroyed if unserviceable.
          3. Damage to Perquisites. An employee who intentionally damages clothing, equipment, or facilities provided as University perquisites may be required to reimburse the University for replacement cost, and is subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the University Guidelines for Disciplinary Action.
          4. Aprons, smocks, and other partial covering. Aprons, smocks, safety glasses/goggles, or other such garments may be furnished for the protection and/or safety of an employee or of employee clothing in laboratories and other areas where personal safety is needed and/or personal clothing may be soiled or damaged.

            Such items are not considered perquisites and may be purchased at the discretion of the department or division head. There is, however, a state requirement to document the purchase and/or laundering of these items.
        1. Requesting a perquisite:
          1. All original requests to provide perquisites are to be made by the completion of the Request for Approval of Perquisites or Sale of Goods and Services form.
          2. The completed request is submitted to Human Resources for review and recommendation to the appropriate division vice president for final action.
          3. The vice president's office returns the Request for Approval of Perquisites or Sale of Goods and Services form to Human Resources.
          4. Human Resources will return the original with appropriate signatures to the requesting department for action.
          5. The requesting department will contact Procurement Services to coordinate the requisitioning and maintenance of the perquisites through a contracting organization.
        2. Reporting Non-perquisite items:
          1. The reporting of items provided to employees for their safety and/or protection in the performance of their duties that are not perquisites, is to be submitted to Human Resources. The reporting of such items is to be made by the completion of the Request for Approval of Perquisites or Sale of Goods and Services form.
          2. The completed form is to be submitted to Human Resources.
          3. The requesting department will contact Procurement Services to coordinate the requisitioning and maintenance of non-perquisite items.
  • The Board of Trustees has delegated its authority over personnel programs to the President which is further delegated to the Vice President. Constitutional authority, Florida Board of Governors regulations, and University regulations authorize the policy:
    • Florida Constitution Article IX, Section 7;
    • Sections 1001.706(6)(a), F.S.;
    • Florida Board of Governors Regulation 1.001(5)(a);
    • Florida State University Board of Trustees Regulations FSU-4.001.
  • This policy shall be reviewed by the Chief Human Resources Officer every seven years for its effectiveness. The Office of Human Resources shall make recommendations to the Vice President for Finance and Administration for any modification or elimination.