Responsible Executive: Finance and Administration
Approving Official: Vice President for Finance & Administration
Effective Date: January 1, 2014
Revision History: New, January 1, 2014, Non-substantive clarification, March 7, 2025
- BOG Regulation 1.001(5)(a)
- FSU Regulation FSU-4.001
- The provisions set forth in this policy are applicable to Executive Service (AEX), Administrative and Professional (A&P), and University Support Personnel System (USPS) positions. Faculty policies are administered by Human Resources through the Office of the Dean of the Faculties. For Other Personal Staff (OPS/temporary) see procedure 4-OP-C-7-H.
- The President is charged by the Board of Trustees with administration of the University's Classification and Compensation Plan. The Assistant Vice President of Human Resources and Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) is delegated, by the President, through the Vice President of Finance and Administration, the responsibility for administering the Pay Plan as it relates to A&P and USPS classification. The University's job classification and evaluation program establishes and maintains the overall staff job structure. This includes establishing positions in accordance with class title specifications, maintaining internal consistency in use of job titles, evaluating University's job specifications, market salary, and recruiting conditions; and recommending pay plan changes to meet the needs of the University.
- Official A&P and USPS position descriptions, supporting documentation and organization charts will be maintained in University Human Resources. Job Classification titles and specifications shall be available through University Human Resources.
- The Employment, Compensation & Classification (ECC) Services section within the Office of Human Resources is responsible for maintaining the official organizational chart for each University division. Charts shall remain available on the Human Resources website.
- Classification:
- University departmental structure is reviewed with each classification title or reporting relationship change. If a change affects divisional charts, appropriate revisions shall be made and posted on the University's Office of Human Resources website.
- Department:
- Departments are expected to maintain their own organizational charts and should review these charts at least once per year to ensure that the charts accurately reflect current structure. An OMNI Query can be used to verify official reporting structure. If day-to-day structure does not match the official reporting structure as defined in OMNI, contact ECC for instructions on needed changes.
- Classification:
- There are four (4) funding sources, Educational & General (E&G) Budget, Auxiliary Funds, Contracts & Grants (C&G) Budget and Local/Agency Funds. This procedure provides guidance for the approval process as it relates to authorized positions and subsequent budget changes.
- Position numbers are assigned through OMNI upon approval of the position.
- Position funding changes must be pre-authorized by the appropriate authority.
- Following are the budget entities for type of funding and position approval authority:
- Educational & General:
- within a division, approval by the appropriate Vice President; for changes occurring across institutional divisions, additional approval by Office of Budget & Analysis is required.
- Auxiliary:
- within a division, approval by the appropriate Vice President; for changes occurring across institutional divisions, additional approval by Office of Budget & Analysis is required.
- Contracts & Grants:
- within a division, approval by the appropriate Vice President; for changes occurring across institutional divisions, additional approval through Sponsored Research Accounting Services is required.
- Local/Agency:
- within a division, approval by the appropriate Vice President; for changes occurring across institutional divisions, additional approval by Office of Budget & Analysis is required.
- NOTE: The above budget entity descriptions are provided as cursory guidance for position rate and salary dollars. Further information should be obtained from the Office of Budget and Analysis or Office of Sponsored Research Accounting Services.
- Educational & General:
- Position numbers are assigned through OMNI upon approval of the position.
- Establishment or reclassification of an AEX, A&P, or USPS position shall be within the University's authorized job titles, codes, and classification specifications approved by the Board of Trustees. Requests to establish, reclassify, or modify a position must be submitted and approved in accordance with established University approval processes. Requests for positions funded from Contract and Grant sources must be approved by the Vice President for Research or designee prior to being forwarded to the appropriate Vice President or designee.
- The process of the job classification evaluation focuses on the general shared characteristics of the job itself and provides a consistent method for determining the classification of an individual position. A job classification represents a group of positions with similar responsibilities. An overview of the shared characteristics of each job classification is contained in the classification specification.
- The Compensation/Classification Analyst will review the classification request to ensure that it meets the criteria for AEX, A&P, or USPS positions and determine consistency with the specifications and classification allocation factors. The CHRO or designee will approve/disapprove the request and notify the appropriate administrator of the final action.
- A position will be classified as AEX, A&P, or USPS based on the established Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) provisions and classification criteria.
- The current Position Description serves as the official record of responsibilities assigned to the position. It shall be used to classify the position. The supervisor shall acknowledge the Position Description to certify that the responsibilities described are accurate. The position incumbent shall be given a copy of their current Position Description for review.
- If a position is affected by a classification action that includes a change in pay, pay for the incumbent shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the University's Classification and Compensation Plan and applicable law. When funding is unavailable for a promotional increase, written intent and approval must be noted at the time of the classification action. The pay increase for the promotion must take place within one year of the effective date of the classification action. However, no action shall cause an incumbent to receive less than the minimum of the pay band at the time of the classification action.
- The Office of Human Resources assigns classification action effective dates. A retroactive effective date shall not be permitted except as approved by the CHRO. Effective dates for filled positions should coincide with the first day of a pay period.
- NOTE: Compensation/Classification Analysts provide a pre-audit service whereby the department may contact Human Resources staff in advance of submitting a Position Description.
- Should a Vice President, Dean, or Director, in consultation with the Office of Human Resources determine that a position or group of highly similar positions lack an appropriate job classification title within the existing Classification and Compensation Plan, such positions shall be reviewed as the basis for the creation of a new job classification title in the overall system. Should a job or group of jobs no longer be viable within the structure, the Office of Human Resources will determine an appropriate course of action to amend the system.
- Each job classification is assigned to a pay band. Each pay band has a minimum and maximum salary except Pay Band 8, which has no maximum.
- Positions that have incumbents with salaries above the maximum of the assigned pay band are generally referred to as "red circle" positions. Salary increases for "red circle" employees will be made as lump sum payments unless the increase is an across-the-board legislative appropriated increase.
- Positions that have incumbents with salaries below the minimum of the assigned pay band are referred to as "blue circle" positions. Departments with “blue circle” employees shall address the incumbent's salary within two (2) years pending availability of funds. No employee shall be appointed at less than the minimum of the pay band.
- A newly authorized AEX, A&P, or USPS position must be classified in accordance with assigned job responsibilities and the University's job classification specifications prior to job advertisement and filling the vacancy. The procedure for initial classification provides guidance related to establishing a new position
- Department:
- The department will submit a transaction to obtain a position number. Once the position number has been approved and obtained the department will develop the Position Description information and submit as a draft to the department’s assigned Compensation/Classification Analyst. Upon approval by the Analyst, the draft will be routed through the appropriate approval process.
- Classification:
- Compensation/Classification Analysts will review the Position Description information. The position's supervisor and other appropriate individuals may be contacted for further information or to verify responsibilities. Once the analysis is complete, the position will be classified in accordance with the University's Classification and Compensation Plan. Notification of the approved job classification and effective date will be sent to the initiating department. The approved Position Description will be available through OMNI.
- NOTE: If a USPS position is established under limited Educational and General, auxiliary, agency/local, or contract and grant funds, it must be established with a time-limited status by noting the position will be time-limited on the ePAF+. (See also 4-OP-C-7-A3) Exemption from this University policy may be permitted by the appropriate Vice President.
- Department:
- The President shall determine those University positions to be designated Executive Service. These positions ordinarily will report directly to the President, a Vice President, or an Associate Vice President. An Executive Service position is normally established at 1.0 FTE but may not be less than .50 FTE.
- A newly authorized AEX, A&P, or USPS position must be classified in accordance with assigned job responsibilities and the University's job classification specifications prior to job advertisement and filling the vacancy. The procedure for initial classification provides guidance related to establishing a new position
- These procedures provide guidance in the review of job responsibilities and position classification changes.
- Department:
- When the job responsibilities and/or level of responsibilities of AEX, A&P or USPS positions change to a level outside the scope of the current job classification, the department shall contact their assigned Compensation/Classification Analyst to determine if a revised Position Description is needed. If it is determined that the updated responsibilities are outside the scope of the current job classification, the department shall submit a classification change request.
- The department will develop the updated Position Description information and submit it as a draft to the assigned Compensation/Classification Analyst. Upon approval by the Analyst, the draft will be routed through the appropriate approval process.
- Classification:
- Compensation/Classification Analysts will review the updated Position Description information. The appropriate individuals may be contacted for further information or to verify responsibilities. Once the analysis is completed and approved, notification of the approved job classification and effective date will be sent to the initiating department. The approved Position Description will be available through OMNI.
- For filled positions, the assigned Compensation/Classification Analyst will verify the incumbent’s eligibility for the job reclassification. Incumbent eligibility verification must be made prior to a reclassification becoming effective. Should the incumbent be ineligible according to information on file in the Office of Human Resources, or if additional eligibility documentation is required, the incumbent’s department will be contacted.
- Should the incumbent still not meet the job title eligibility standards, job duties must be removed until eligibility is achieved or a trainee (USPS) or provisional (A&P) appointment status should be considered. The assigned Compensation/Classification Analyst will provide guidance in evaluating appropriate alternatives when an incumbent is found to be ineligible for a job classification.
- Voluntary Reclassification from USPS to A&P: When a position reclassification results in a promotion that crosses pay plans, the employee must sign a voluntary reclassification statement in advance of the action effective date. The voluntary reclassification statement shall include: the change in pay plan; the effective date of the reclassification; and notice that the employee is forfeiting USPS status and rights. The notice may be given by the affected employee’s supervisor. Contact Employee and Labor Relations to execute a voluntary reclassification.
- NOTE: When a job classification change involves the assignment of a filled position to a lower pay band, the action will result in a demotion. Steps must be taken to ensure appropriate employee notification. Crossing pay plans also requires employee notification in advance of the effective date. Contact the Office of Human Resources/Employee and Labor Relations for guidance.
- Department:
- For classification actions that involve faculty positions being reclassified to or from AEX, A&P or USPS, the appropriate Vice President, Dean or Director must submit paperwork with justification to the Office of the Provost in advance of the proposed action. After the Provost's approval, the Office of Budget and Analysis and the Office of Faculty Relations must be notified and the appropriate paperwork must be submitted to implement the reclassification. Contact the Office of Faculty Relations prior to implementation to ensure that proper notification is given to the faculty member, if required.
- These procedures provide guidance in the review of job responsibilities and position classification changes.
- These procedures provide guidance in the review of job responsibilities and position updates.
- The University is required to maintain Position Descriptions that accurately reflect reporting relationships and identify assigned responsibilities that are essential functions in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Departments should review their Position Descriptions yearly and update as needed or as determined by your Compensation/Classification Analyst. Position Description information can be viewed and printed in OMNI.
- Department:
- When the job responsibilities of an AEX, A&P, or USPS position change significantly and permanently, the department will develop the updated Position Description information and submit as a draft to the assigned Compensation/Classification Analyst. If the updated responsibilities are within the scope of the current job classification, the draft will be routed through the appropriate approval process. If the responsibilities are not within the scope of the current job classification, see 4-OP-C-7-A3.2.
- Classification:
- Compensation/Classification Analysts will review the updated Position Description information. The appropriate individuals may be contacted for further information or to verify responsibilities. Once the analysis is completed and approved, notification of the approved job classification and effective date will be sent to the initiating department. The approved Position Description will be available through OMNI.
- Department:
- A position may be inactivated (abolished) when it is no longer needed. Reasons for inactivation may include but not limited to lack of funding, transfer of job responsibilities to another position, or the job responsibilities are no longer required.
- Department:
- The department will submit a transaction to inactivate a position and route through the appropriate approval process.
- NOTE: When a filled position is to be inactivated, the Office of Human Resources Employee & Labor Relations section MUST BE NOTIFIED at least 45 days in advance of the effective date.
- Classification:
- The Compensation/Classification Analysts may contact the supervisor of the position to determine the conditions of the inactivation. Once the analysis is complete, the position will be inactivated and notification of the inactivation will be sent to the initiating department. Assignment of the effective date may be determined by such things as a contract ending date or employee notification requirements. However, the effective date shall not be retroactive.
- Department:
- These procedures provide guidance on the process for amending Position Descriptions.
- Position changes to content areas other than Summary (Position Focus Statement), Responsibilities, or Competencies are considered amendments to a position. Such changes include supervisor, FTE, pay additive eligibility, and/or required minimum qualifications including but not limited to licensure, certification, confidentiality, financial disclosure, and background checks.
- Department:
- The department will submit a transaction to make changes to content areas other than Summary (Position Focus Statement), Responsibilities, or Competencies. The transaction will be routed through the appropriate approval process.
- Classification:
- Compensation/Classification Analysts will review the request and verify that the proposed amendments are appropriate for the assigned job classification. Once the analysis is completed and approved, notification of the approved changes will be sent to the initiating department. The approved amendments will be viewable on the Position Description through OMNI.
- Department:
- USPS positions may be designated eligible for certain pay additives, such as lead worker, asbestos/lead abatement, on-call, shift differential, and biohazard cleanup. Adding such eligibility requires submission of a transaction to update and/or amend a position description/position profile. These procedures provide guidance in establishing pay additive eligibility. For further explanation of department and Compensation/Classification responsibilities regarding the addition of pay additive eligibility or compensation guidelines, refer to the University’s Compensation Matrix. To initiate a pay additive, refer to the Workgroup Change Form.
- Lead Worker
- A position may be designated eligible for lead worker pay if it is one (1) of three (3) or more USPS positions in the same job classification or a different job classification within the same pay band located in the same work unit. Only one (1) of the positions may be assigned lead worker designation and the assigned directive and/or coordinating responsibilities must be limited in scope, and performed in the absence of the supervisor in addition to the normal responsibilities of the position. Lead worker responsibilities involve performing limited supervisory responsibilities such as approving leave, distributing work, maintaining a balanced workload among employees, keeping records, defining work priorities, etc. Lead worker responsibilities do not include administering performance appraisals or disciplinary actions.
- The department will develop the updated Position Description information reflecting pay additive eligibility and lead worker responsibilities and submit a draft to an assigned Compensation/Classification Analyst. Upon approval by the Analyst, the draft will be routed through the appropriate approval process. Refer to the University’s Compensation Matrix for additional paperwork required for payment.
- Note: Assignment of lead work responsibilities cannot be used to create an intermediate level of supervision.
- Asbestos/Lead Abatement
- A position may be designated eligible for asbestos/lead abatement pay when asbestos/lead abatement activities and certification requirements are documented on the Position Description. These activities are performed periodically in addition to regular job responsibilities or on a call back basis.
- The department will develop the updated Position Description information reflecting pay additive eligibility, asbestos/lead abatement responsibilities, applicable certification and/or tests/exams and submit a draft to the assigned Compensation/Classification Analyst. Upon approval by the Analyst, the draft will be routed through the appropriate approval process. Refer to the University’s Compensation Matrix for additional paperwork required for payment.
- On-call
- A position may be designated eligible for on-call pay when the incumbent is required to be accessible and available to return to work during off-duty hours. Eligibility is limited to USPS employees who shall be informed by the department via memorandum of the on-call assignment except during an emergency. The instructions must include the times and dates the employee is to remain available to work the off-duty period, the stipulation that the employee is to remain in a fixed location or leave word where they may be reached by telephone or by a signaling device, and that the employee is to be available to return to the work location on short notice to perform assigned responsibilities. (Reference OP-C-7-E1 Attendance and Leave for Call-Back procedures)
- The department will develop the updated Position Description information reflecting pay additive eligibility and submit a draft to the assigned Compensation/Classification Analyst. Upon approval by the Analyst, the draft will be routed through the appropriate approval process. Refer to the University’s Compensation Matrix for additional paperwork required for payment.
- An employee may not receive on-call pay at the same time he or she is receiving sick pay since it is presumed that the employee would be unable to report to work when ill. However, an employee may remain on-call while on paid leave for vacation, personal holiday, designated University holiday, Administrative Leave or Compensatory Leave. Once an employee reports to work, on-call pay ceases. An employee may not receive payment for working and being on-call for the same hours. The total hours may not exceed 24 hours in a given day except in the case of a designated University holiday or in the event an employee is required to remain on-call while on paid leave for vacation or personal holiday.
- Shift Differential
- Only USPS positions are eligible for shift differential pay. A position may be designated eligible for shift differential pay (on a regular basis) when a majority of a position’s assigned working hours fall within the evening (between 6 pm and 12 am) or night (between 12 am and 6 am) shifts, unless otherwise agreed to in a collective bargaining agreement. A position may be designated eligible for shift differential pay (on an intermittent basis) when a position’s assigned working hours fall outside the normal working hours assigned by the department. Applied compensation must be consistent within a department.
- The department will develop the updated Position Description information reflecting pay additive eligibility and submit a draft to the assigned Compensation/Classification Analyst. Upon approval by the Analyst, the draft will be routed through the appropriate approval process. Refer to the University’s Compensation Matrix for additional paperwork required for payment.
- Biohazard Clean-Up
- A position may be designated eligible for biohazard pay when the incumbent voluntarily performs biohazard clean-up responsibilities in addition to regular job responsibilities or on a call back basis. Eligibility is limited to USPS employees who have fulfilled all vaccination requirements including Tetanus and Hepatitis A vaccine series. Employees must also meet certification/training requirements as documented in the Position Description.
- The department will develop the updated Position Description information reflecting pay additive eligibility, applicable certification and/or tests/exams and submit a draft to the assigned Compensation/Classification Analyst. Upon approval by the Analyst, the draft will be routed through the appropriate approval process. Refer to the University’s Compensation Matrix for additional paperwork required for payment.
- NOTE: Pay additive eligibility will be applied in accordance with the criteria above. If eligibility for pay additives changes for a position, the department must submit a transaction to address such changes.
- Lead Worker
4-OP-C-7-A3.7 COMPENSATION MATRIX (See also 4-OP-C-7-D7)
- When an employee's supervisor determines that a pay change may be warranted, a request and appropriate justification/documentation for the type of pay change should be prepared. Refer to the University’s Compensation Matrix for detailed definitions and guidelines related to pay actions for AEX, A&P and USPS employees.
- Once approvals have been obtained, the salary information and transaction should be submitted to the assigned Compensation/Classification Analyst for review. The request and subsequent justification/ documentation will be reviewed to determine appropriate effective date and compliance with applicable criteria.
- Note: Employees with salaries above the maximum of the pay band are only eligible for legislative appropriated increases and lump sum increases.
- All USPS and A&P positions funded by "soft money" shall be designated as time limited when established or at the time of recruitment for a vacant position. The appointment must meet the following criteria:
- Funding is limited,
- Job responsibilities are project oriented, OR
- Job responsibilities are for a specified period of time.
- All USPS and A&P positions funded by "soft money" shall be designated as time limited when established or at the time of recruitment for a vacant position. The appointment must meet the following criteria:
- Department:
- The Position Description must reflect that the position is subject to time-limited status. See procedures contained in 4-OP-C-7-A3.3.
- Submit appropriate transaction when the funding end date needs to be extended.
- The appropriate Vice President must approve any exceptions to the time-limited status of soft money funded USPS positions
- NOTE: A Time-Limited USPS Appointment Letter must be signed by the employee or designated on the A&P employment contract when filling a time-limited funded position.
- Department: